This one is new, and probably my best work...


Home Recording Jedi
So far, all indicators point to this being my best overall song and recording.:)

I appreciate any feedback.



Excellent song, John.
Well-written, nicely arranged, stellar performance.

The only gripes I would have is to bring down the high eq on your vocals during the first verse (maybe 2 or 3 kHz)... the S's and T's are a bit harsh and distracting. After that, it sounds fine.
A 'real' piano would have sounded great during that short break, but I'm just being picky there.
The strings sounded great! Nice touch.
Same with the guitarwork.... sweet.
The mix sounded fine... no complaints there.

Lastly, I'd drop the count at the beginning.
It works for a rockin' song, but not something like Sandstone.

Great job!
Very haunting tune, although I have to agree with buck, back off the treble on the voice.

Really well done, those few nit pics aside, I thought it was awesome.

This is a real good song (as are all of your songs at the site)....the song itself, the arrangement and most of the recording are nailed...I agree about the harshness of the vocal....I went back to "Some's Watching" and I noticed the cymbals were a bit loud and harsh but I could be wrong because Im listening on this coming out as harsh on your monitors that you mix on?........anyway, great song and Im lookin forward to more....
John very nice song. Like it very much. What type of equipment do you use? Im just starting to get into recording so im always curious to see what people use. - Andrew

Gidge, Buck, GT

I seem to have problems with adding Eq instead of cutting. I think I hear things wrong if that makes any sense. I really need to look into letting someone else mix my stuff in the future. Though I am getting better, I feel like I lack the corrct instincts to adequately mix my own stuff. I get tired and frustrated doing the whole thing (music,vocals, engineering, mixing) by myself sometimes.


if you do a search on my name, you can find a thread that is titled something like, "what gear do you use". that will have my complete set-up listed.

I took a look at your gear list and did a bit of checking on your monitors.
The Alesis Point Sevens are a bit harsh at the top-end and here is a pretty good review that covers 'that' and other aspects of your monitors....

Hopefully, this will help you to compensate and get the best possible mix. It's not that you're very far off, because you're not. You're almost "right there".
But, it takes time to get to know you're gear and make the most of your equipment. I'm STILL trying to get a handle on some of my stuff! :)


First of all, I bet you're really really interested in hearing that I've eaten a pizza called Palumbo all weekend.. It rocked..

About the song, I agree with the others.. Have you tried to mix and record without using any EQ at all? If not, give it a shot and post it..

Good songwriting and a good song. You're right on the track. :)

- Mesh


Thanks for the link on the monitors. I actually hate mixing on those things. I have had them
for a while now, but can't seem to "learn" how to mix on them. I will perservere in the face of adversity!


I can't remix this song... it is gone but for the two track master. I imagine that I can do some EQ modifications to that master, but, to be honest, I haven't the patience. I will just have to apply what I am learining to the next project.

Thanks a whole bunch guys,

Nice Job

I think that the mix sounded great. The whole EQ thing aside the song has a good feel. I really liked the guitar sound. You said that you want to start having someone mix for you. I'd be very interested but our set-ups don't seem compatible. If you know of any way to go from the VS into ProTools let me know. Keep up the good work.

Beautiful song! Compared to the others at your site, this one has the least problem with that harsh EQ issue. My only small suggestion would be to take that repeated piano lick (I liked the patch, BTW) and on the 4th repetition where it mutates slightly, double it with real acoustic guitar!
Isn't a de-esser all you need? A good dose of "air" on the high end is good.. it's just the "s" that's annoying.. So simply run the track through a de-essing program.. Am I off with this deduction?
What a good song....I messed with the eq in winamp, kept trying to find the vocals, got 'em, reduced the eq some and had a great listen...but unfortunately I couldn't leave well enough alone and I screwed with channel 4 and the bass started popping hell out of my speakers when I lowered the eq....that'll teach me to be an engineeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr.........excellent composition, playing, and but for that eq thingy, (which I fixed pretty well for my own ears in winamp), this mix is very very have a very strong voice....I really didn't hear a prob with the "S's", particularly after I played with the eq........great job...........gibs
Thank You!

Thanks Gibs!

I have had a few people comment about hearing some sibilance, and I really don't hear it. Is it a product of the conversion?

I have listened to the original, and the mp3 back to back on all sorts of different playback systems and I just don't hear it at all.

I don't know.

It is frustrating to have some people hear that when I totally don't.

I really suck at mixing/engineering, though listening back to this song makes me feel like I am really improving.

The ideas and feedback you guys give me is the fuel I need to keep at it!


It's just a treble thing, definitely not sibilance.....real sibilance can't be totally controlled by eq...... sibilance, by its very nature presumes that there's a "hissing sound", which I didn't hear even before screwing around in winamp.....might be folk's speakers, and the treble controls they've set before....and, of course, in the original recording, it's always better to leave yerself room to add eq rather than reduce it....although, it can be done sometimes with ok results if some parts can't be re-done.....gibs