This is why i do this!

So, I've been working in a pro studio now for the last 3 months, my first step into the professional world of recording. I've been cutting stuff at such a cheap rate, I'm just covering costs... but I don't care!

I've been working on (engineering/ producing) nothing but great stuff! Leaving my mark on others recordings is so satisfying, I hope to be able to keep on doing great stuff, and maybe someday make some money at it...

here's an awesome recording a girl I'm recording is working on, it's only half done, and virtually unmixed, but It's coming along beautifully. The cello arrangements were done by myself (by the way, how do you think they sound? I'd never recorded a cello before)


This is why I do this...
Kudos to you for following your dream.;)

I'm listening on cheap phones right now, but what I hear is that the vocals lack clarity and the cellos too dominating. It still sounds a bit too muddy EQ-wise. Also the song seems to drag a little because it's just cellos and voice. The girl has a nice voice though.

Joey :)