This is me introducing myself and making enemies right out of the gate.


New member
Hi. I am Nick. I am absent minded. I may have introduced myself before. The wonderful reality is that this introduction feels new to me either way. I registered for these forums one year, four months, and fifteen days ago, and this is my first post. My ambition is overwhelming, but my follow through seems to need work.

I have worked in live recording in a professional capacity more times than I really cared to, am completely and painfully self taught, and know I am doing it all wrong, though I have never cared for doing things correctly. I have played in bands, which I hated. When you are the lead singer they seem to expect you to be exciting at gigs. That's not me.

So now I write and record for a living. I have done this for about 8 years. By living I mean I have made $37. Minus studio and gear expenses I am $34,251 shy of making my first dollar writing and recording music.

I plan to post some stuff in the mix clinic once I have made ten posts.

I apologize if my expressionless humor has been difficult to detect so far. I am much more personable and succinct when conversing with people, but right now I feel I'm having a keyboard monologue.


How many years ago was your first experience with a forum? I mean the first time you posted something, not the first time you read from one. My first post on a forum was three years ago. This is my second. It's really rather embarrassing.

NOTE: I know some will consider this a novel of text. A publishable novel is generally a minimum of 48000 words. This post has 301 words. This is not a novel. This is a Michael Bay script.
Welcome to the boards and I rather enjoyed your introduction. Not near enough explosions or gratuitous sex scenes to be a Michael Bay script though.

I can't even remember my first forum experience. I started in mIRC chats back when I was 11 (19 years ago).
Hi. I am Nick. I am absent minded. I may have introduced myself before. The wonderful reality is that this introduction feels new to me either way. I registered for these forums one year, four months, and fifteen days ago, and this is my first post. My ambition is overwhelming, but my follow through seems to need work.

I have worked in live recording in a professional capacity more times than I really cared to, am completely and painfully self taught, and know I am doing it all wrong, though I have never cared for doing things correctly. I have played in bands, which I hated. When you are the lead singer they seem to expect you to be exciting at gigs. That's not me.

So now I write and record for a living. I have done this for about 8 years. By living I mean I have made $37. Minus studio and gear expenses I am $34,251 shy of making my first dollar writing and recording music.

I plan to post some stuff in the mix clinic once I have made ten posts.

I apologize if my expressionless humor has been difficult to detect so far. I am much more personable and succinct when conversing with people, but right now I feel I'm having a keyboard monologue.


How many years ago was your first experience with a forum? I mean the first time you posted something, not the first time you read from one. My first post on a forum was three years ago. This is my second. It's really rather embarrassing.

NOTE: I know some will consider this a novel of text. A publishable novel is generally a minimum of 48000 words. This post has 301 words. This is not a novel. This is a Michael Bay script.

First post on a board, '94 on the old BBS dial up boards and maybe Compuserve (I think that was the name).

For me this board is primarily to gain more information and reduce mistakes undertaking my home recording journey. So, as long as you are not sensitive about feed back and call people names when they give you their opinion about something, you shouldn't make any enemies.

Other than that, a lot of cool stuff here. Lot's of amazing talent and it is nice to know that there are people out there (pro and amateur) still pursuing the love of music and sound. You get all kinds of musical taste here and that too is a lot of value in the learning process.

Welcome to the board.
Welcome to the boards and I rather enjoyed your introduction. Not near enough explosions or gratuitous sex scenes to be a Michael Bay script though.

I can't even remember my first forum experience. I started in mIRC chats back when I was 11 (19 years ago).

I'm surprised that you didn't hear the repetitive explosions that were my bombed attempts at humor. :D

I tried to work in a sex scene but it just seemed awkward since I had not developed any secondary characters.

Thanks for the welcome, polarity! I hope to be here often!
HAHAHAHAH best reply ever! nicely done sir, nicely done!

I'm surprised that you didn't hear the repetitive explosions that were my bombed attempts at humor. :D

I tried to work in a sex scene but it just seemed awkward since I had not developed any secondary characters.

Thanks for the welcome, polarity! I hope to be here often!
I like you, you're funny.

Welcome aboard!

My first post to a board was a long time ago so I can't remember exactly which one it was, but every single one has had at least one person who pissed me off and made me want to quit. I've joined and then immediately left (after some d-bag posted a comment on one of my threads) quite a few. I'm still here so that's a testament to this community I guess! ;)
First post on a board, '94 on the old BBS dial up boards and maybe Compuserve (I think that was the name).

For me this board is primarily to gain more information and reduce mistakes undertaking my home recording journey. So, as long as you are not sensitive about feed back and call people names when they give you their opinion about something, you shouldn't make any enemies.

Other than that, a lot of cool stuff here. Lot's of amazing talent and it is nice to know that there are people out there (pro and amateur) still pursuing the love of music and sound. You get all kinds of musical taste here and that too is a lot of value in the learning process.

Welcome to the board.

Thank you for the welcome!
I am very sensitive at times, but I would like to think most people probably are, especially when they first put stuff out for others to critique, and are probably always just a bit sensitive. Just a guess. I get too close to my projects sometimes, and start to hear what I want to hear. I want pure honesty when I comes to mixes, and have seen that here and without abrasiveness or condescension. I am an information guru of late, and have used these boards passively for that purpose for a long time. My main issue is that I am playing stuff for family and friends, and having to base the finality of my mixes on an aggregate of their ears. Some of them are trained in music, but none of them are engineers, and only one records, but his recordings are far less ambitious than mine and for a much different purpose. Well, it seems my reply is the sequel to blockbuster script I started with. Apologies!

The bottom line is that I thank you for making me feel welcome.
Now what was your question? Oh yeah. First 'forum' post (it was a message board, I think): 1997. I remember because I bought a computer with W95 and it was 'old' in less than a year. My computer before that one had to be programmed with DOS, used 5-1/4" floppies and had (upgraded) 40MB (not Gigabyte) hardrive.
Post up some stuff! Welcome back. Glad to see another Southerner on the board. Been to S-port so many times over the years. Good place here. I find that my non-music/engineer fellows are my best sounding boards for critique.
I bought an oven from Shreverport once. Actually I bought about 50 of them...

Alligators... who mentioned alligators?
I can usually remember my firsts but I have no recollection of my first forum post. I was a late convert to the computer cause, only arriving in the latter part of 2004. The earliest post I can remember off the top of my head would be in March~ April of 2005 to a site called "Jumping the shark". I think I made comments about Star trek and The Fugitive. But there may be earlier ones lurking with intent.
I can usually remember my firsts but I have no recollection of my first forum post. I was a late convert to the computer cause, only arriving in the latter part of 2004. The earliest post I can remember off the top of my head would be in March~ April of 2005 to a site called "Jumping the shark". I think I made comments about Star trek and The Fugitive. But there may be earlier ones lurking with intent.

If I am not mistaken, Howard Stern coined that term on his radio show referring to the Happy Days show, where Fonzie jumps a shark on skies. Kind of mis old Howard on the public air waves.
If I am not mistaken, Howard Stern coined that term on his radio show referring to the Happy Days show, where Fonzie jumps a shark on skis.
I heard something like that. It has come to signify the moment in a TV series where the show was good and started going downhill, for instance, Scooby Doo was a good programme until they introduced that oik, Scappy. That was the point at which, in my opinion, it jumped the shark.
It depends what you consider a real forum.

My first experience with chatting with others online was back in about 84 or 85 when I used to frequent a couple of bulletin boards--this was before the days of the internet and you had to actually dial into the computer hosting the board. From distant memory, the first one where I chatted with anyone was called the Blandford Board--a bit of a joke now because it was located in Devon in a place called "Blandford Forum". How suitable!

This was all with a 1200 baud modem and a BBC model B micro.

I had my first PC at work a couple of years after that but it wasn't networked or online in any way. My next venture into home computing was in 1993 or 4 when I bought myself an original Pentium P60 desktop and a 14.4kHz dial up modem. I played around on Compuserve and their discussion areas for a while but ended up getting an account with a proper ISP (Demon Internet) fairly soon and had a lot of fun with IRC chat.

I think my first real forum was in 2000 when I discovered a vBulletin based site for fans of the SF writer Anne McCaffrey. They had a really active community going then and, between the forum and a live chat room, this kept me amused for a long while.

Nowadays I'm a regular in four or five forums, a moderator on one and an infrequent visitor to a few others.