This is gonna be the title cut...I think

This is a long tune so 56k downloaders, you've been advised. I wrote this song 15 years or so ago and FINALLY after a bazillion tries recorded what was in my head onto the hard drive in a semi-intelligent fashion...I think.

Appreciate hearing opinons on the tune and mix.
For some reason I was expecting Klaus Meine to come in on the Vox, but I do like your voice! ON first listen the only thing bugging me is the snare. Maybe too loud? I'm on cheap phones so could be a problem there. At about 5:30 am I hearing a different snare? l like the sound of the later snare better.
Thanks for the kind words and taking the time to listen:)

That is a different snare and a slightly different reverb on it. That song was actually recorded and worked up in 2 seperate sections and then spliced together via da wonders of the computer.
great song idea.. in the beginning the woodwinds are lost in the mix. After the rythmatics come in the snare and cymbals are way bright and hot, the guitar is also jus a little too hot for the other levels in the beginning. The kick could come up a tad, the bass was kinda lost in mix on the low end. I`d rool off some of the lows below 80 and keep the synth and bass with kick all wrestling in there, get muddy especially near the end. Vocal is cool, jus a little mid scooped and fighting against the drums for space, could come up more. Snare tone changes after midpoint in song. flute n strings a little strong in the end vamp section with solo. Nice pickin and tunage. I really like the snare sound near the end and the Toms. Octaver on guit' ?

Thanks very much for your detailed reply. There's a lot there for me to consider and I appreciate you taking the time to listen so closely.

There's no octave effect on the guitar its a very wide flange instead.
Toki987 said:
g The kick could come up a tad, the bass was kinda lost in mix on the low end. I`d rool off some of the lows below 80 and keep the synth and bass with kick all wrestling in there, get muddy especially near the end.

the line I posted above should have read like this. sorry, had along night last night :)

The kick could come up a tad, the bass was kinda lost in the mix on the low end.
I`d roll off some of the lows below 80, it might keep the synth and bass with kick from wrestling so much in there, they tend get muddy especially near the end.
Yo Stickman! Nice tune. I like some of the guitar work a lot. My best criticism- With the vocals mixed down and heavily processed, I can't understand half of what you're saying. If you want to tell me a story (you better, if you want 7 minutes+ of my attention) either EQ the vocals or mix them up or back off on the effects. Many mixing engineers fall into the trap of mixing lead vocals as if they were an instrument. It sits well in the mix and sounds great, but the story gets lost. Treat backing vocals as instruments, but let me hear the damn story. Hope that's constructive.-Richie

I'm totally drawn in by your music.
This is some kind of EPIC tune in keeping with the whole 70's
type sound you are achieving so effortlessly.

All I would say is don't use a long song as your first cut.
You want a high energy 3 minuter to draw the listener in and make them want more!!

I am really pleasantly surprised how quickly that 7.25 passes though.

Really well done again!

Thanks for the response and the very kind words. I'm 42 so yeah, I'm a 70's kind of guy, I guess--though I've never consciously set out to sound like *the 70's*.

I'm planning on making this tune the final cut of the CD. Of all the songs I'm considering for this particular project thsi is my personal favorite and for me, the best song/recording/jam should always be the last one.

Next week I will post a couple of the tunes I'm debating over for the 1st slot.

Appreciate you taking the time to listen:)
Richard Monroe said:
Yo Stickman! Nice tune. I like some of the guitar work a lot. My best criticism- With the vocals mixed down and heavily processed, I can't understand half of what you're saying. If you want to tell me a story (you better, if you want 7 minutes+ of my attention) either EQ the vocals or mix them up or back off on the effects. Many mixing engineers fall into the trap of mixing lead vocals as if they were an instrument. It sits well in the mix and sounds great, but the story gets lost. Treat backing vocals as instruments, but let me hear the damn story. Hope that's constructive.-Richie


Good constructive comments and I appreciate the details. I don't know that I'm trying to tell a story in this particular song but trying to evoke some emotion in the listener. I will admit to specifically looking at the vocals in this peice and many others I've done like it as an instrument and not as a story telling vehicle. Basically, what you've told me here is I hit the mark I was aiming at.

I very much appreciate you taking the time to listen and share your thoughts:)
scary intro... samicide... no, more like "Scorpions" ... that one song of theirs is pretty similar... even the progression :D

Some noise in your tracks here...

EXXXCELLENT SNARE DRUM!! Nice drum sounds all around.

The drums do sound great, but they may be loud for your mix... the kick needs some more of the beater's click... ride cymbals could come up an asshair or two...

The strange FX/panning/delay on vox... hmmm... doesn't really do it for me... but it's OK.

Damn... what I'd do for drum recordings like this ... for my own selfish reasons :D ;) :eek: ;)

Interesting outro. Not at all expected. This sounds like a "mixmkr" tune... then here comes Mr. crunchy-guitar. The solo is good, but IMO needs some 3.2k... or something... to bring it out and set it on the table.

Nice song. Well written... and performed.

pretty nice tune and all. It seems VERY bass light on certain sections....almost like the channel got muted.

the vocals are very obviously lathered in effects...and that's ok...just very obvious and hits me as a pile of effects...rather than getting away with it ala ozzie osbourne style.

those are about my only gripes at this point.
...very few VS the many likes:)
participant said:
scary intro... samicide... no, more like "Scorpions" ... that one song of theirs is pretty similar... even the progression :D

Some noise in your tracks here...

EXXXCELLENT SNARE DRUM!! Nice drum sounds all around.

The drums do sound great, but they may be loud for your mix... the kick needs some more of the beater's click... ride cymbals could come up an asshair or two...

The strange FX/panning/delay on vox... hmmm... doesn't really do it for me... but it's OK. Damn... what I'd do for drum recordings like this ... for my own selfish reasons :D ;) :eek: ;)

Interesting outro. Not at all expected. This sounds like a "mixmkr" tune... then here comes Mr. crunchy-guitar. The solo is good, but IMO needs some 3.2k... or something... to bring it out and set it on the table.

Nice song. Well written... and performed.


Thanks a bunch for taking the time to listen and for your comments. Those drums are built with samples in ACID Pro 4.0. Glad ya liked the song and the performance...the rest of it I will touch up as I can--I'm starting to get sick of hearing myself if ya know what I mean:)