this is a hip hop song baby

Lyrics are all in bad taste... even I can hear the noise at the beginning... sounds kinda lo-fi... ugh
I'm sorry, I want to say something nice but it's really really terrible.

Keyboard sounds cheezy. Drums, cheezy. Vocals /shudder/ not fantastic. Track is very noisy.

This song could be rescued by inserting lyrics that were both clever and very funny, transforming it into a parody.

If you're a Turkish boy with a big penis who likes to put his nose in a pussy, perhaps you should consider a career in the porn industry? Incidentally, they may also be interested in your music.

A positive rep point to salve your wounds. :o

*edit: I like this song you posted Much much much much much much much much much better:
:mad: You give hip hop a bad name....

Why don't you switch over house or techno or electronika....

I think you might be better at it...and don't quit your dayjob :o
The vocal quality on this is incredulous!!!

How did you get it to sound so...what's the word I'm looking for?...Oh, yeah, shitty.

Still, kids do love the Bloodhound Gang.