This Equalizer picture...


New member
Does anyone know how I can make similar sharp roll-off at 16000 Hz like in this pic? I know Sound Forge has 3 different eq's but I can't get the result like in this pic... I've tried all them with different settings but it just doesn't work... I don't want "smooth" roll-offs but a sharp like in this one, so that there's 'absolutely' nothing after 16000 Hz.. help please?? :(

ooh.. how about this...:

Downsample to 32000.... then all info over 16k will be lost!


try using a waves Q4 or Q10 plug in... type in your desired frequency and dB of cut/boost and there you go! gotta love waves...
wait... that would only remove 16k freqencies... dammit. sorry, been studying for finals all day and my brain is kinda fried. well, you could just use the waves plugs and just use a hell of a lot of them. one for every frequency step :D
Thanks everyone. Actually, I didn't need EQ at all like I thought, what I needed was a low-pass filter which enables me to adjust the point where it cuts everything from 16 kHz. Thanks for the PM info Blue Bear.. :)
clubzero said:
Actually, I didn't need EQ at all like I thought, what I needed was a low-pass filter which enables me to adjust the point where it cuts everything from 16 kHz.

what you need is a filter, not a filter!
I pretty bet that this is just a 32k sample. I cannot think of it sounding too good. IMO, any 'analogue' style filters will not allow you to get this done. You'll prolly need a FFT-based filter that simply cuts the rest away. But why would you wanna do this?
