Thinking of switching to Reaper


"Hi, I'm in Delaware."
I've been using Pro Tools for a while now (well, maybe 2 years, so I'm not super set on it) and I liked it for a while, but then I realize that if I wanted to have any more than 8 tracks running in or out, I would have to pay thousands more dollars. I heard about Reaper here a while ago and checked it out, and of course all I'd have to do with Reaper is stick in another interface and link them, and it already works with the hardware I've got. Hmm... So I downloaded Reaper and I'm starting to play with it, and so far it seems pretty nice (it labels my inputs and outputs weird, but whatever, I figured it out). My main questions are, how does it compare to Pro Tools? Please say something more helpful than "it's better". How are the included plug-ins for those of us who can't afford more? Does it work in mostly the same way? I'm just trying to decide if I can do a full switch, because I've really started to like mixing on a console, and it's annoying to no end that I can only use 8 of my 12 channels b/c of Pro Tools limitations...
(it labels my inputs and outputs weird, but whatever, I figured it out).

It labels the ins and outs exactly has Digidesign has labeled them in their ASIO driver

However, you can change that. Go to options\preferences\audio Check the boxes for input and output name aliasing, hit edit names and call them what you like

I figured there was a way to do that... cool. Anyone else on how it compares? I guess I'm thinking along the lines of specifics here. In Pro Tools, you can have multiple playlists for each track so that you don't have to set up a bunch of new tracks for each take. You can also CMD/CTRL-click on an option for one track (for instance, making a new playlist) and it will apply that option to all tracks below that one (so you could set up all your new playlists at once or record-enable everything at once). You can also have it show your I/O routing next to the track instead of opening up a new window (well, in Reaper I had to use a new window for output routing, at least). Can you do things like that in Reaper?
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Also, does Reaper have a grid/groove quantizer like Pro Tools does for those of us who have sloppy keyboard playing?
Yeah it has the snap to grid stuff.
I'm not familiar with pro tools at all but reaper can store multiple takes in a single tracks and you can just right click on them to select which one is active.
I'm only about 2 weeks in with Reaper so I can't give you much detail but from what I have read and heard reaper has all the functionality of pro tools and then some.
Hmm... after more exploring, it seems to have its own ways of doing everything Pro Tools does. The only issue is that I can't use the nice Xpand! plug-in, so I'd have to finally stop being cheap and get a real program like Reason (which I can handle, it just costs money)... Thanks guys. If you think of anything else, let me know.
There are zillions of free vsti sample players out there like xpand

If you cant find one you like, come to reaper chat and see if you can't get one of the plugin developers there to make one for you. Terry W is building some cool synth type stuff that you might like and he's usually pretty open to suggestions
Yeah, after watching your tutorials (you rock) I'm pretty much sold on Reaper. I'm very excited about it now.

As long as we're on the subject, do you have any sample players you'd recommend? I read that in order to set those up in Reaper, you can't just put it in the FX chain, you have to do something else with it. Is that like in Pro Tools where you had to set up a MIDI track and send it to an Aux track that had the plug-in on it, or is there a way to set it up like Instrument tracks?
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I dont know too much about midi. For usung a VST-i in reaper you just stick it in the insert. For multi out VST-i's it gets trickier but I think now theres an automatic router thing.
I switched to Reaper 2 months ago.

Sold Pro Tools.

Absolutely love it. Finally a DAW I can work comfortably in, with no crashes, and excellent work flow.

I've just about bought it - one more minor hiccup to overcome and then I'll buy.

Pipeline - maybe you know........ should I ask here, or start another thread?

The question is pretty complicated.
Okay heads up - I'll start a new thread called "hey pipeline" haha.

My question is kind of tough to ask.

See ya there.