Thinking of starting a forum


New member
Hey guys,
Im thinkin of starting a general guitar forum. Consisting of the following sections:
Guitar Tech (As in replacing stuff, fixing stuff etc.)
Your Guitars (As the name implies, it will be a section devoted to showing off your guitars, equipment etc.)
Guitar Buying and Selling Advice (Advice on deals, selling a guitar etc)
DIY Section (Amps, Effects etc.)
Tab Section (Help with songs, tabs etc.)
Showcase (your songs etc.)

Then I will have 2 other Sections:
General Bass
General Drums

Will anyone be interested in helping out, joining, designs etc? Im low in knowledge regarding creating forums and things like that so if anyone could point me in the right direction.
Thanks for any interest/input/advice.
I'd join, never too much good forums. But don't know anything about them either.. Except, that you need a web-space big enough to host it, with PHP and mySQL support.
..not to mention software..
This forum seems to be from vBulletin, which don't seem to be free, but a friend of mine runs a forum which works great, and is free from:

On site there seems to be more info on da subject...luck!
yes I found a free web host with php and mysql support. If there is anyone that would like to help, I can give them a password and they wil lbe like official coders and co founders and stuff.