Thinking about getting a vox ac30...


New member
Well, before I make the plunge and buy one of these things, I'd like to get your opinions on them. From what I can gather on the Vox website ( ), they have 2 models that I would be interested in. I am interested in the combo models with 2 speakers.

They have the AC30CC2 ( ), which has 2x12 combo with VOX custom GSH12-30 speakers, or they have the more expensive AC30CC2X ( ), which has 2x12 combo with Celestion AlNiCo "Blue" speakers.

So my questions: 1) What do you guys think of the ac30? 2) Should I get the more expensive model with the Celestion speakers? 3) Other comments?
I have an AC30CC2X (combo with Alnico Blues).

First off let me say that it is simply an incredible tone machine and quite versatile. It will produce anything from sparkling clean to classic crunch and beyond. People may argue whether it is the right amp for their specific application (rightly so), but if you are not needing a modern high-gain sound then it's hard to go wrong with this amp.

Yes, the Alnico Blues are worth every penny of the upcharge. They are a much more musical speaker than the Wharfedales and more efficient as well.

I took my AC30 to Westfest this year and I think everyone agreed that it's a damned good-sounding rig.
one more thing i forgot to ask... will it be loud enough for practices and small gigs? I like to play loud!
Absolutely. 30 watts can be much louder than you'd think, especially when the speakers are as efficient as the Alnico Blues.

At Westfest there were not enough mics to go around for all the guitar amps, so my AC30 was unmiced. It was capable of keeping up with the mix out front without having to max it out. (It wasn't an earbleed-loud mix but loud enough.)
How does the AC15 compare tonewise? I have no need for 30 watts.

I haven't played the 15 but a friend who's opinion I respect greatly was seriously pushing me to get the 15 instead of the 30 because you can drive it harder in smaller venues and mic it in bigger ones. He LOVES the 15's.
How does the AC15 compare tonewise? I have no need for 30 watts.

I haven't played the 15 but a friend who's opinion I respect greatly was seriously pushing me to get the 15 instead of the 30 because you can drive it harder in smaller venues and mic it in bigger ones. He LOVES the 15's.

I demo'd an AC15 the same night I bought my AC30. Tonewise it sounded pretty much identical to the AC30, but obviously maxed out at a noticeably lower volume.

The positive side of this is that you can push the power section of the AC15 at much lower volumes and really hear how that part of the amp contributes to the overall tone and dynamics.

I liked it. I just needed something with a bit more power.
I got an AC30. GREAT amp and you can't go wrong, but like others said, I'm looking to downsize to an AC15 so i can push the power tubes harder without pissing off sound guys and seriously messing with the house mix.
I got an AC30. GREAT amp and you can't go wrong, but like others said, I'm looking to downsize to an AC15 so i can push the power tubes harder without pissing off sound guys and seriously messing with the house mix.

Are you aware that the new AC30s have a switch in the back that will bring the wattage down to about 22 watts and give you less headroom? You might want to try that before getting rid of the AC30.
Are you aware that the new AC30s have a switch in the back that will bring the wattage down to about 22 watts and give you less headroom? You might want to try that before getting rid of the AC30.

Yeah, it works well and lessens headroom a bit. However, if i'm going to use an amp with lesser watts at shows, I might as well not haul around the 80 lb beast. Plus the tonal qualities of the 15 are a little punchier to my ear (though not as tonally thick and rich).

I'm not sure yet... so many trade offs. What have you guys heard about the Night Train head? Seems like a good middle ground... especially since I really loved the Orange Tiny Terror.
So my questions: 1) What do you guys think of the ac30? 2) Should I get the more expensive model with the Celestion speakers? 3) Other comments?

#1) The AC30 CCs are great amps and sound killer. I ran mine using the normal channel 99% of the time for clean sounds and used a Vox Satchurator in front for the dirt sounds (the satch sounds great with the vox, not so much with other amps though...go figure :rolleyes:)

#2) The blues are really the speaker to get with that amp, especially if you are planning on gigging it. They are loud and sweet and cut through with no problem.

#3) The Vox is a heavy combo and also very LOUD with the alnico blues, even on the 22 watt setting. If you're playing in situations where you have the oppertunity to really open up the volume, it's hard to beat tone wise. If the AC30 is too loud, the AC15 handwired amp gives similar sounds at lower volume levels, much more so than the standard AC15 CC, all IMO of coarse.