Things to know about your Les Paul

Gibson is advertising some of their Les Pauls as having chambered bodies. That must be one of them. Much ado about nothing.
no the chambered bodies are different. that's either a standard, a classic, or a studio. the wood they use on the american guitars is really heavy, so they put holes in them to relieve some of the weight. they're called weight relieved bodies.

the reissues use better, lighter wood, so they don't do it to them. unless you're talking about the cloud 9 reissues and the other guitars they call chambered.........those are basically chambered like guitars that have f-holes in them, but without the f-holes.
Just to add a note...... Billy Gibbons takes LP classics and has the maple tops removed, then chambers out a lot of the wood , then puts the tops back on. He says he likes the tone,...and the lighter weight.
Then again, some people, like myself, think nothing on earth sounds quite as great as a really heavy Les Paul. I think those boat anchor 70's customs sound just awesome. They are always my first choice in the studio for a LP or thick sound. I know several top line players who are into those, too. It's usually one of those guys' guitars I am using.

But I would not like using one live. They do weigh alot.

If it sounds good it IS good. Holes, neck joint, solid, or layered. Listen with your ears not your eyes. ;)

you guys are just weenies. You should hold a Deering my 17 pounder for an evening or so!!! :p
I like them all..Depends on the guitar. My favorite is my R7 but I have a L/P Classic that sounds pretty darn good..different but good
[ They are always my first choice in the studio for a LP or thick sound. I know several topQUOTE=Hard2Hear]Then again, some people, like myself, think nothing on earth sounds quite as great as a really heavy Les Paul. I think those boat anchor 70's customs sound just awesome. line players who are into those, too. It's usually one of those guys' guitars I am using.

But I would not like using one live. They do weigh alot.

If it sounds good it IS good. Holes, neck joint, solid, or layered. Listen with your ears not your eyes. ;)

I agree man. I've got a 1978 LP Custom. It can't be beat. But it will wear you out playing sets all night. It is heavy!
AlfredB said:
in case you ever wondered why the big guns play older instruments............................

because they taste nearly as good as this one here :D :D


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Hard2Hear said:
Then again, some people, like myself, think nothing on earth sounds quite as great as a really heavy Les Paul. I think those boat anchor 70's customs sound just awesome. They are always my first choice in the studio for a LP or thick sound. I know several top line players who are into those, too. It's usually one of those guys' guitars I am using.

But I would not like using one live. They do weigh alot.

You feel my pain; I have one and I gig with it. Having a really wide strap helps. Switching to my Strat for some songs does, too.