they told me my mic cant go into my computer

hm...those things are pretty pricey..but i could get those now if i wanted

but..i have a realy sucky quality guitar. shoulndt that count for something? wouldnt it be better if i used the money to upgrade on that first?
SuperVic said:
hm...those things are pretty pricey..but i could get those now if i wanted

but..i have a realy sucky quality guitar. shoulndt that count for something? wouldnt it be better if i used the money to upgrade on that first?
Vic, you're starting to sound a little like you live under the Billy Goats Gruff's bridge.

If your guitar sounds like shit, you might as well do that first, 'cause no matter what you record it with it's still gonna sound like shit. If your amp sounds like shit, your gonna hafta get a new one. If you can't play it for shit, then you'd better invest in lessons and pracitice first.

Lots of folks have given you lots of ideas here. It's time for you to make your own decision. This could go on forever and you'd never get a sound into your computer.

So one more time, buy a cheap preamp or mixer and some cords. You can do this for $70 tops. Then you've got money to upgrade whatever comes next.
SuperVic said:
hm...those things are pretty pricey..but i could get those now if i wanted

but..i have a realy sucky quality guitar. shoulndt that count for something? wouldnt it be better if i used the money to upgrade on that first?

Ain't this fun SuperVic :D :D :D

I've been agonizing over a portable recorder for 4 weeks now. I bought one of the 2 track fostex (MR8) with a flash card a few months back and didn't realize it wouldn't fit my needs, for doing interviews on the road. By the time I would have to upgrade the memory, I coulda got one a little nicer with a hard drive.

So the circle of life goes on.:) :)

Oh, SuperVic,

Definitely let us know what you get. We will be full of opinions on what you shoulda got.:D :D :D :D .

Just yankin ya chain.

Make sure you are havin fun though, this is supposed to be our hobby (or is addiction)...........

ive plugged a SM57 into the mic in of an onboard soundcard (cheap) and gotten decent results......
You said it

SuperVic said:
hm...those things are pretty pricey..but i could get those now if i wanted

but..i have a realy sucky quality guitar. shoulndt that count for something? wouldnt it be better if i used the money to upgrade on that first?

Sucky guitar will probably = sucky recording.. Get yourself something decent, then look to record.. Not that you need it, but you sound like you don't like the guitar and that is not a good start.