THe worst thing that could happen


New member
Dont know if you guys remember me or not..i havnt been round here for about 3 months..but there is a reason. My Power supply in my comp died and took both my hard drives out and i lost EVERYTHING...i lost 4 years of music i'd been working on. I've been kicking myself sooo bad for not backing up bundle files but i had 2 drives and didnt think they'd both die.

So this meant i didnt do the HRC4 and have lost all my enthusiasm for home recording. I lost all my plugins,progs,soundfonts...damn it hurts. Good work on the HRC 4 too guys..what i heard so far is awesome!

I'm back on my feet now, got a new HD and luckily my Audiophile didnt get damaged. I put directx 9 on and now i cant get Sonar installed but i think i might try to get back into action.
SO to everyone here....backup ya work!...and dont trust Power supplies!!
Oh my god, I think that's the worst thing I've ever heard. Yikes. You sure got my sympathy. If that happened to me I think I'd go stark raving mad. Just so we might learn from your unfortunate happening there, what happened exactly? The power supply somehow shorted out the hard drives? Damn. I'm backing everything up right now.

BrettMckinney said:
Dont know if you guys remember me or not..i havnt been round here for about 3 months..but there is a reason. My Power supply in my comp died and took both my hard drives out and i lost EVERYTHING...i lost 4 years of music i'd been working on. I've been kicking myself sooo bad for not backing up bundle files but i had 2 drives and didnt think they'd both die.

So this meant i didnt do the HRC4 and have lost all my enthusiasm for home recording. I lost all my plugins,progs,soundfonts...damn it hurts. Good work on the HRC 4 too guys..what i heard so far is awesome!

I'm back on my feet now, got a new HD and luckily my Audiophile didnt get damaged. I put directx 9 on and now i cant get Sonar installed but i think i might try to get back into action.
SO to everyone here....backup ya work!...and dont trust Power supplies!!

Have you tried some of the disc recovery specialist. I have taken hard drives that have been badly burned in fires, computer crashes, HD crashes etc. and they have been able to recover most of the data an in some cases all the data.
Re: Re: THe worst thing that could happen

David Artis said:
Have you tried some of the disc recovery specialist. I have taken hard drives that have been badly burned in fires, computer crashes, HD crashes etc. and they have been able to recover most of the data an in some cases all the data.
I'm sure you didn't pay for that yourself then.
Specialists like that are outrageously expensive. Think 5 figures.
A guy that works for me is a recovery specialist who's worked in the forensics lab of the German Polizei. He's on vacation right now but he'll be back sometime next week. I'll certainly ask him for assistance if you'd like me to. I think he still has all of his equipment because he served as a contractor. He's pulled data from a drive that was found on the bottom of the Rhine River - he might be able to help - he's assured me that data is seldom really 'lost.' Send me a PM if you're interested. No guarantees - but I'll ask him if he'd help me out - he's a pretty smart guy.
WEll i was actually playing a sprintcar game and then the computer just turned off and i was like..hmm...what the? So i tried to turn it back on...nothing. The psu just carked it and must have shorted both smoke or nothing. I keep thinking im lucky that i didnt lose my soundcard or $300 video card.

THe only good luck i've had is that i sent the 80gig HD back to Seagate and they replaced it with a 160gig. Sweet!...but all my music was on my 20 gig, which does not detect or start in any comp.

David...i did a quick look on the net for HD specialists (im in Australia) and most places charged around $800(aus) to fix it and with no guarrentee. I just cant afford that no matter how much the music meant to me. But hey..if there is anything you could do for me i'd really appreciate it!
Wow man, I feel for you. Before I got my recording gear and I was recording with a computer mic with Guitar Tracks Pro 2.0, I got a virus (God. Damn. Porn. :)) and it demolished my computer. I ended up getting a new one anyways. Good luck, Brett!

I feel for you man. I lost count already as to how many times I have had blue screens of death on my personal confusers and lost everything because I didn't follow a regiment of scheduled back-ups.

My folders grew so large that trying to do data disk, CDR burns were turning into 8 disk projects. I decided the only way to keep the data safe was to get a second computer and network them so that I could throw files back and forth between the two machines. That way, I always have two copies of everything on two physically separate machines and on a network. The copy task takes a fraction of the time that doing burns does.

I am not feeling quite so pre-historic now for tracking on analog multi-track, exclusively in the studio.

Keep the faith.;)
Dude I freaked when I lost 2 tracks. I can't begin to imagine your pain. Still...make some more music. Don't stop that.
Re: Re: Re: THe worst thing that could happen

christiaan said:
I'm sure you didn't pay for that yourself then.
Specialists like that are outrageously expensive. Think 5 figures.

Actually in most cases the price was between 200-500. The company is located near Clearwater, Fl. Unfortunately I am not home right now (Tampa) but in the LA area. I will email a couple of friends to see if they remember the name of the firm.

If 200-500 is to much I feel for ya.
Hey thanks guys...i appreciate your sympathy. I think i should look at it as a new start. WIth my old songs, having them there in track form felt as though they were never complete and that i could keep working on them, which meant i didnt move onto newer songs. Atleast this way i can put them behind me and move on. It just hurts when i hear a song i have burned and am like...ah i meant to get rid of that, and i was gonna retrack that. Oh well! Heres to a new beginning!