The Who - We're Not Gonna Take It (Cover)


New member

Here's my latest experiment - a cover of The Who's "We're Not Gonna Take It". I tried to follow the Live at Leeds recording more than the studio recording.

Feel free to critique it in any way whatsoever. There are definitely a number of spots where the drums, guitar, and/or bass don't all line up perfectly, as a consequence of me playing all three, overdubbing each one. The drum sound is not perfect because I'm currently working with just 2 mics, a LDC for an overhead and a SM57 for the snare. Also, at 3:54 the guitar's high E string was a little out of tune, and there are may be a few spots where the bass guitar peaks out.

Note: I haven't done the vocals yet, so this is just an instrumental as of now.
its good, just make it louder, its waaaaaay to quiet. PUNCH IT UP FOOL!

Yup you're right, I need to work on this volume thing...I didn't do any "mastering" (the term used very loosely here) :) in Reaper, and I just normalized the .wav file in Audacity. After I record the vocal tracks I'll try and work on the volume issue.
Bump. Any more feedback? Listening back now, I feel like the guitar was rushing and the drums were trying to hold the tempo back. Although the intent was to speed up a bit over the last 4 minutes of the song ("Listening to You").
The drum timing seems a bit off, and are the guitars out of tune alittle? Generally in two micing method for drums one would have oh and kick mic.
I like it. It's sloppy and wild just like the original. It's definitely not a pro studio quality recording, if that's what you're going for. It's mushy and too centered. I like it like this though. The guitars coming in at the end is a nice touch.
I like it. It's sloppy and wild just like the original. It's definitely not a pro studio quality recording, if that's what you're going for. It's mushy and too centered. I like it like this though. The guitars coming in at the end is a nice touch.

Thanks. Yeah, this was done mostly as an homage to the original and the recording quality is obviously not great. The bass is currently centered, although I may try panning it left and guitar right - which was done on the original recording.

PS thanks for listening all the way - My favorite part of the original Live at Leeds recording is the fuzzed out guitar towards the end :guitar: