The WH "Modellers" Friday Night JAM


New member
Here's this weeks Friday Night JAM the famous "Watering Hole" music site.....

This one features 20 guitar players, (from Canada, UK, South Africa, USA, Turkey, Holland) who are all using an "amp modeller" (ie: Line 6 POD XT, XTPRO, Vox Tone Lab, V-Amp, Rocktron Voodu Valve, etc).....

For the TUBE purists out there.....a couple of clips, also include a tube power amp used somewhere in the signal chain....

Can you tell which one's they are? ;)

Rock on :D


The Watering Hole
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40 look'ins....but not a single response.........

Didn't anyone actually bother to d/l the clip and/or listen to it?....

It's not everyday, that 22 guitar players come together on one jam....using a variety of different gear.

Geeze, this site is always so enthusiastic!

I downloaded, but was bored out of my mind...

I use a POD, but guitar processed this much drives me nuts- no character...

I couldn't make it past 2 minutes
Chrisjob said:
I downloaded, but was bored out of my mind...

I use a POD, but guitar processed this much drives me nuts- no character...

I couldn't make it past 2 minutes

I realize that the 'attention span' of many is somewhat limited :D

But, if you only listened to the first two minutes, you barely heard ONE take, whereas there are 22 different players, with 22 different tones and styles, etc...and, like I said, some are using tube amps too.

Do I detect a somewhat 'snobby' attitude here? ;)

You're really asking a lot of people -- to listen to nearly half an hour of pretty unimaginative generic 80's rock guitar playing over the same groove. Nobody would buy a record like that. I lasted about 4 minutes only because I've been writing this; I would have closed the window a long time ago otherwise. It all sounds like the same guy; are you sure you aren't pulling our collective legs? Or did these guys all learn out of the same Wolf Manga MegaShred Guitar Method Book 1?
Kev, maybe you should post the list of players and times so people can jump between guitarists. I am not surprised there's not much interest; it's a long jam, and guitarists have attitudes. Heck, I probably wouldn't d/l it and listen to it if I hadn't played on it.

It's the old joke:

How many guitarists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
1 to screw in the light bulb, and 29 to stand around and say "I could have done it better."

Fair's the list,

Intro MC - Kev

Fingers 00:10
Spikey 01:29
Kev 02:52
Sam 04:16
Deano 05:40
Richard 07:06
Jon G 08:32
Rod V 10:01
Rob H 11:20
Some Mexican 12:47
Lance 14:11
Stratman 15:33
Charger 16:53
Man In Space 18:14
Sg62 19:37
Bon 20:59
Zonta 22:24
Ransome Note 23:50
Dave 25:12
Mark 26:36
Fingerjimmy 28:00
Robert 29:26

Nobody would buy a record like that.
Yeah, that's why we offer it for free as a download. Are we trying to sell a record of slapped-together guitarists jamming? No. We're showing how cool it is that a whole bunch of us from North America, Europe, and Africa, from all different backgrounds and styles and levels of learning, can collaborate and jam over the internet, and get it all done in the space of a week. No one says to buy it, or to love it, or to even listen to it. Just that we were stoked to do it, and we're putting it out there if you want to hear what it sounds like! If you don't there's really no need to disparage it, just don't listen and move along.
I had tried earlier but it wouldnt download for me.

I think it sounds good =)

Its a good point for me to shoot for since I use a modeller as well.

The fact that so many ppl can get together from around the world is great....would be really awesome to get some other instruments in the mix and jam the progression as well.

thanks guys
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SOFA_KING, thanks for that link, that's pretty hilarious...

Those really are different guitar players on that thing? Really?
Thanks, Dil.

Yup yup... really are all different players... thats what made it so interesting... at least to us.

Interesting concept, axe... other instruments... I know one of the players on there plays a banjo... a piano solo would be cool too... All are welcome...

Don't knock it 'til you try it...
Hey BCM, I don't know why I've never thought of putting a piano solo down on one of those things. Hmm...something to think about.

This goes out to anybody that wants to trash the effort: you obviously missed the whole intent of the thing. It's too bad really.
I don't mean to trash the effort, I was more reacting to the expressed annoyance that no one had bothered to listen/download/comment on it.

That said, I guess if there's interest in this kind of thing, cool, but to me it's like getting twenty writers together to each write the same paragraph over and over again. Maybe of interest to those intrigued by the process, but not something that anyone else in their right mind would ever want to read.
definitely ,definitely great playing there...
definitely hear '59 strat. yeah, '59 strat with hot rails in bridge position.....maybe coil tap too. yeah..
yeah, definitely sounds unprocessed...
Lead tones nice and sparkly...yeah sparkly...
Uh-oh Uh..oh..
time to go watch Wapner....yeah
EVH main man.. main man...
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