Sounds good, I can hear Justin Timberlake on it too. My only suggestion is maybe make the beat change up more, but I say that to everyone.
yo i like the music (strings n atmosphere, etc) .. the hi hat i could really go for a different one altogether or maybe a switch up like every other one be "this one" and then a different coming in opposite . . but good music, good track, im not that into justin timberlake so i cant say if i can or cant hear him on it -- but i can say aside from the hi hat piece... i really like this joint - the strings are so spaced out its like .. weed to my head [i dont smoke, so music has always been my barbituate of choice]
now let me get some feedback on
nasty - breadwinnaz n ys collabo by Gully "BreadWinnaz" Jewelz
Pretty good beat, I'd say that maybe the bassline should try and switch up in points (decorate the melody and bring it louder) and you could think about adding some reverb to the drums. Also the most melodically interesting bit of the beat to me is the string melody that sits quite far in the background so if you bring that up, while it would probably change the feeling of the beat a bit, I think you might find you like that.
no love hunh?
yo i like the music (strings n atmosphere, etc) .. the hi hat i could really go for a different one altogether or maybe a switch up like every other one be "this one" and then a different coming in opposite . . but good music, good track, im not that into justin timberlake so i cant say if i can or cant hear him on it -- but i can say aside from the hi hat piece... i really like this joint - the strings are so spaced out its like .. weed to my head [i dont smoke, so music has always been my barbituate of choice]
now let me get some feedback on
nasty - breadwinnaz n ys collabo by Gully "BreadWinnaz" Jewelz
the strings add a good feel to the track, transitions could be improved upon, decent melody but break monotony

peep stuff in the siggy