The Ultimate Newb Question (monitors)


New member
Finally have the budget to purchase some studio monitors :)
I think behringer seems like they have nice prices but I have no idea where to even start. Which one is the best for the price?
KRK Rokit's.
53Hz to 20kHz is the frequency range you'll get with those bastards.

My shitty monitors are shitty and have a frequency range that spans 80 Hz - 20 kHz and they have a shitty USB interface built into them. Of course mine were only 100$

Now you might assume that 200$ for that extra 30Hz isn't worth it, but you need to remember that those KRK's will also give you a MUCH more clear and accurate image of the sounds that they are reproducing which is important during mixing or mastering or whatever it is that you're wanting to do.

Save yourself some time and money in the long run. Buy the KRK's
Finally have the budget to purchase some studio monitors :)
I think behringer seems like they have nice prices but I have no idea where to even start. Which one is the best for the price?

I have used the Behringer Truth series powered monitors, and I think they compare rather favorably to the KRK V8 v2s I'm using now.
rokit RP8s?

does anyone have an opinion on the KRK rokit RP8s?

I know they are a bit old and are not all curvy like the G2 series but would yall still buy them if you could?
does anyone have an opinion on the KRK rokit RP8s?

I know they are a bit old and are not all curvy like the G2 series but would yall still buy them if you could?

Sounds like you have an offer waiting for you. Is it off a friend or someone near to you? If so, just check em out yourself.

I haven't heard the older RP8's, but I'm yet to hear a bad KRK monitor.
Oh goodness...

It's been said, time and time again (in these forums and otherwise), that monitors are a completely user based asset to your recording/mixing/weknowyourenotmastering repertoire.

So, do this:

1.) Go to your local music store with a couple of your favorite CD's.

2.) Ask to listen to them on the monitors you've had your eye on and others that are in your price range.

3.) Buy the ones that best suit you.



Simple, easy, you're happy, I'm happy, and we're all completely thrilled.
Everytime I see "KRK rokit 5" anywhere, I imagine angels singing. That's how good they are. Buy them. ;)

Out of curiosity, what other monitors have you owned? I thought the rockit 5s were rather anemic compared with the Behri 2031as. Maybe it's just hard to go from an 8" speaker to a 5" speaker and expect the same kind of bass response.

In reality, I think you can learn your way around just about any pair of decent monitors. But in comparing the two, especially at that price point, my mind was not blown by the rockits.
I was decided on either the KRKs or the HS50's. They're both good.

I say go listen for yourself. You're the only one that can decide which is better for you.

I got the Yamahas and love them... especially now that I have the sub to go with them.