"The Third Way" - How close am I to a pre-master?

I listened to it on comp. spkrs and then stereo..to see about mastering question. It sounded gr8 on the stereo. IMHO I think that a good masterer would welcome the opportunity to "beef up" the mix. I think you will be presently surprised with the results...so...in short, yes I do think it is ready for mastering....the nitpicking you may hear about the present mix, is exactly what a masterer will do for you at this point. As to the song....pretty solid songwriting..good form...nice modulations...vocals were very nice and in tune...harmonies were nice...drums on the stereo sounded gr8...Only slight criticism is some of the cheesy distorted guitar fills (personal taste). Send it out man.
Sounds pretty clean to me!


I agree with firesole about the distorted guitar fills that are panned left
that thing's gotta go..it's too loud and distracting and adds a distict "cheese" element

even making it acoustic would sound better I think...

good work