The RNC, your thoughts

The RNC is very neutral sounding, in other words, it does not color sound very much. I found it to be of great use on electric guitar and acoustic. On vocals, not so good. I was never happy with the results, at least on my vocals.

I get more use out of the DBX 160X which has a little color, desirable, and does a better job on vocals. The DBX also does a better job on bass and kick than the RNC. It's a little heavy handed on guitars so for that I go back to the RNC as I said.
I'm compressing whatever I'm gonna need to. Right now I'm working with electronic drum progs, an epiphone gothic explorer, a spector NS(instrument of choice) a yamaha XGLITE(im poor and wanted a midi contoller) and I'm recording into a PC with a M-audio Delta 44. I play in a band and all that, but I'm trying to learn this on my own(I only need one of me frustrated at a time) with somewhat of a solo project where I don't exactly have to be proud or disappointed, I can just be "Well, that's where I'm at." I also don't have the mics for drums and noone would be happy with programmed beats. The bass player from TUBRING(check em out) uses a Warwick, I think it's a Thumb. The bassist from MudVayne uses a Thumb and he's got some of the best tones I've ever heard from a metal band. So what I'm getting from all this really good advice is that the RNC is going to be a good buy especially at that price, but I'm gonna have to go to e-bay for something to get my bass guitar and kicks in order. This board is awesome.
I checked out those band links, so you be sure to check out the Bass PODxt links. I'm sure it will be worth your time.

It sounds like you are on the right track, but you can definitely afford a new Bass PODxt and still get a used DBX 160X on eBay too.
the RNC works REALLY well..I have had some sucess with bass too...just have to fiddle with the attack and release times..any comp with a too quick a release will distort low frequencies ("Captain, I cannot change the laws of physics" :) RIP Scotty!)...RNC is the best bang for your buck by a million percent. I have heard the 3630 with the Black Lion mod and it was quite nice and useable (and TONS better than the crappy stock model) but you have to be handy with a soldering iron...


as usual..ymmv!
More Compressors

HEre's my two cents. I have an old dbx 166 (no "X" or "XL" or anything else on the end of that!) that sounds great (stereo comp...bonus). Can be had on eBay for around $200-$250. I have played with the RNC, but it's so clean, you'll probably not like it for bass. Another possible way to go is the Meek VC6Q. You get the Meek optical compressor, which many people rave about for bass, and the Meek EQ, gives you some monster bottom end. But you'll have to like the Meek sound, cause it's characteristic. But I do. That unit runs around $350 on scareBay.

I have an ART PRO VLA on order, which I've heard good things about, but can't yet personally recommend. $269 at Zzounds, free shipping.
Well I D/I the RNC with a bass all the time. I can get all sorts of sounds. Here are too quicky examples from the last couple of days.
Jam 4
+ Bass
I like it alot! Had also a 3630 and a PreSonus and I like this much better IMO.
vwcsonic said:
I have an ART PRO VLA on order, which I've heard good things about, but can't yet personally recommend. $269 at Zzounds, free shipping.

Looking forward to your comments. I have been eyeing this unit for awhile.