The return of The Returners! Check out "The Beast Within"!


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Some of you may remember songs I've recorded, mixed and mastered by my band, The Returners ("You're Starting To, So Fine In Red/Time Time Time, My Way, Something To Look Forward To"). Well after over a month of work, we have finished our latest song called "The Beast Within". I recently upgraded my home studio with a Digi 003 rack and PT LE. The only plugins I have at my disposal are the default LE plugins and some demo compressors by Massey. I'm playing the drums, bass guitar, the nylon string track, and a rhythm track in the end segment. My buddy Reilly is singing and playing electric and acoustic guitars. His girlfriend made a guest appearance in the chorus.

lyrics go:

he's a part of us
forever bound to us
shackled in the attic where it's dusty and dark
silently evaluating every remark
he picks up on my anger I can feel him draw near
baby youre in danger so you better steer clear

sugar please I try so hard
but the beast within is never far
where his shadow looms the flowers never bloom
this is my curse this is our doom

drifting in the wake of what i've said
the biggest of my problems lies in my head
I love you and I need you dont you ever forget
to lose you cause of him would be my biggest regret

sugar please I try so hard
but the beast inside is never far
where his shadow looms the flowers never bloom
this is my curse this is our doom

Dizzy when I hit you in your head

Very excited about this one! Thanks for listening...
Very, very cool tune. Excellent vibe. Generally I love the spatial effects, but in a few places they need to be pulled back a bit (female background vocals for example). Also when it's on the lead vocal, give the lead a little shot of highs, and cut the highs on the reverb. Just try to maintain a clear lead vocal, even when awash in a blissful sea of verb :)

Also, the whole track could use more lows.
I'm listening to the mp3 now - fade in is a little long for my ears.
MSH is spot on re reverb.
There's a cool Turtles vibe to the melody and delivery.
The bvox are a bit wet and up.
Guitar sounds - LIKE A GUITAR - go pass GO & collect $200.
The distorted chopped chord git part may be a little too loud for it's panning position and the short time it's up front.
The nylon doe fit nicely.
I no fan of the "let's Rock" "check it out" pre solo bit.
This is a really cool song, really well performed - yet again holding the banner for power pop high, Thank heaven for you & LPC.

Thanks for the replies. More thanks because I could actually read this with a smile on my face. I posted it at and this dude ripped it apart. Something about it not being "modern" because it doesn't have enough 250-350 hz or something. I don't think I'll be posting there anymore, at least my recordings.

mshilarious - I hear you on the BR vox being perhaps too wet and upfront, but my bandmate liked it just where it was. I personally think it's a bit too wet but I did my best to help him hear what he heard in his head. I asked him twice if it was just right. I like the suggestion about boosting the highs on the vocal and rolling them off on the verb on the first two lines. I will take that into account when I revisit it (the song as you guys know it will change a bit, most definitely for the better). Some of the changes include a change of bass in the two measures after the first chorus (my mentor thought it too repetitive so he'll be adding some sick lines there).

rayc - Concerning the fade in- once again my mate thought it perfect so I dared not touch it. I had an "if it ain't broken, don't fix it" when I had him over to add his final input. The second verse choppy chords may be too up front...I can update that just as I will update the vocals in the first two lines.
I really appreciate your support of our powerpop man! My mate's work buddy is into a lot of metal. He could classify metal bands into the most absurdly specific genres like neoclassical symphonic black metal and shit. He thought this song to be...get this..."Doom Pop"!

Anyway, this song is being produced a bit by my mentor. Some changes other than the bass include a general increase in high end (to bring out the unmiked hi hats more) and the addition of some Legato sounding Hammond organ tracks in the bridge. There will also hopefully be piano in the intro.