The Rains, not so dry mix

Nice work. I really enjoyed the wet mix. I thought you used some FX oretty heavily but it worked for me on this song.

I liked the progression of the song, the bulid-up. Nice. Vox sounded good. I liked your instrument sounds as well. Very nice.

My only complaint is the sound of the acoustic, and it is very important because this is all we hear at the beginning. I went back and read some posts and I think you touched on the problem in your response to alibish - your proximity to the mic. You miced further away to give natural ambience which was probably the right choice for the dry mix, but then you added more verb/delay. Now it sounds too distant/washed out. Very apparent when the flute came in. That flute may be a touch loud as well. I think if you retrack the acoustic close miced, then add your verb to match the song, you will be set!

Great work.
Nice song. I remember this from before. Nice instrumentation. Nice singing voice. I really like when the thing kicks in at around 3:05. Good lead playing through that section.

The acoustic guit is a bit quiet and distant sounding. It's also masking the vocal just a bit.

Cool echo effect there in the middle. Maybe a tad too much. Maybe shorten the echo a bit and dry it just a tad?
Thanks, I'm starting to see that at the very least, the opening flute (recorder) break is way to dynamic, it's get's almost twice as loud in the second half. I've got it a bit lower now, I may end up dpong a bit of fader riding (well, audio enveloping actually).

I think the guitar track is a lost cause. I'm going to try and get it at the tracking phase.

Absolutely, the guitar is too lonely for too long with too shitty a tone. It's really sinking in tonite for some reason. Hopefully that means I've got some of the other elements of the song figured out.
Thanks man!

Cool, thanks! of the challenges with this mix was to get the acoutic as loud as posible without taking over the full band mix. I think as I move forward, I may give in and actually fade the acoutic down into the full band.

I've got a new mix uploading. I think it's a bit better.
I've lowered the recorder lead a bit, it doesn't have quite the entrance I want, but I tihnk it fits in the song better.
I've dried up the bass. It's tempting to mask the samples with a bit of reverb, especially in a mix like this, but I think it was part of the fudging of the heavy stuff at the end.
I also dried up the main vocal track, leaving the two echo tracks wet. Funny, I remember being pretty happy with it bone dry in the first place, go figure.
Barring some edit I can't resist making, I'm gonna shelve it until I get the acoustic retracked. Thanks for all your input.
I like the arrangement ideas that were added to this. The flute sounds good it was a good choice, i think some of the runs made me feel a keyboard vibe.

The part writing was well done, this song was very interesting and good at setting an otherwordly mood. Some of the verbs were touched on. Vox are nice and ethereal.
Nice! I gotta tell ya, I started out listening for what you said to listen for but I got totally lost in the song itself. This is a great song.

Those flutes really come in at just the right time! Very nice arrangement you have going. I like the reverb on there...there were so many records in the 70's that were just drenched in reverb...probably nobody would do that today, but I like that sound.

You create a nice ambiance here, especially with the interplay between the flutes and guitar.

Nicely done! I like this tune!

Thanks! Once I cranked the verb up on the recorder it was staying :) in one fashion or another. I haven't done much "big verb" stuff so far so this was fun.