The problem with Alan Hyatt

Ah. You've read it. BUT... have you understood it :)

Joe Meek was an audio pioneer, constantly pushing the boundaries of what technology could achieve at that time. He was Phil Spector and Brian Wilson rolled up into one nutty little ball. Listen to Telstar, or any of his other hits if you don't believe me. If it hadn't been for his paranoid schizophrenia he might still be with us today (and I think he would have loved the psychedelic era).
Today Joe Meeks name is a valuable commodity because joemeek made products that got very popular and earned a good reputation. So "joemeek" is a valuable business commodity. "Joe Meek" is not, despite his genious.
regebro said:
Today Joe Meeks name is a valuable commodity because joemeek made products that got very popular and earned a good reputation. So "joemeek" is a valuable business commodity. "Joe Meek" is not, despite his genious.

Yeah, but isn't that the same sort of trading on the name, reputation or value of another that Alan accuses Ted Fletcher of doing? FYI, the reason why Alan and Co. don't own a registered Joemeek trademark in the US is likely because of this very reason (that the trademark derives from the name of another person not the owner ... it would be like me trying to trademark a clothing line called "Sammydavis")
Rev E said:
Yeah, but isn't that the same sort of trading on the name, reputation or value of another that Alan accuses Ted Fletcher of doing?

Well, yeah, and he is doubtless doing just that and has always done, since he use Joe Meeks name from the start. In a way there is reason behind it, since he obviously learnt a lot from Joe Meek, and it's probably ment as an homage more, or equally than it's was a cold business decision, and it surely helped to spread the word about Joe Meek. I surely would never have heard of the man othewise.

But of course, it still is in part trading on somebody elses reputition, and Joe Meek really never had anything to do with joemeek as far as I can tell.
This joemeek, Joe Meek, etc name is kind of confusing... but, I thinks it's clear PMI is a shithole outfit for jumping on ozraves like they did.