The One(s) That Got Away

Last night I saw a Fostex A2 on eBay for $200 OBO. It was evidently in great shape. Still in the original box with styrofoam and owner's manual. Tested and working etc. I've been looking for one of these, or something like it, for the last 6 months and I'm in the process of finishing a project and it would've been great for what I'm doing now. I'm seriously broke at the moment so I was thinking about how I could afford it and what I could sell to dent the price. I threw the seller an offer of $180 and figured he'd either accept or counter me by morning and I'd sleep on it. I woke up and saw that he countered me for $190, and I don't know why I didn't just accept it then and there but I got in the shower and made coffee and by the time I went to do it I saw an email on my phone saying that it had gotten away. Seriously, I shouldn't really care and I've had things slip away a lot lately but for some reason this one is getting to me. I was in a funk all day and still feel a twinge of regret every time I think about it lol. :facepalm:

I've told the story about last summer when I found a working 388 for under $400, which had only been up on Craigslist for a couple hours and was already sold when I contacted the guy. I wanted to hear some of your stories so I don't continue to feel so bad about my procrastination and at least know I'm not so alone in all of this.

What's the worst story you have about a piece of gear getting away from you?
It was probably 8 years ago now, I saw a 388 in the used section of a Guitar Center for $325, with a receipt of a complete servicing not more than a year before. I told an employee that I was going to run to my bank to get cash (I was in one of those "cash only" times) and asked if he could hold it for me. He said, "Oh, no don't worry about it; that thing has been her for like 7 or 8 months. You're good."

When I was in the parking lot walking back up to the door with cash in hand, I saw a guy loading a 388 into the back of his car. Sure enough, that was the one I was looking at. When I asked another employee where my friend was---the one who told me not to worry about it---he was "gone on his lunch break" ..... at 9:50 am.
Well...I was hoping someone here would go for my two Fostex G16 decks... but now they're gone.
I just sold them on you guys can add them to the list as another one that got away. :D
Not sure if this counts as it is an instrument rather than a piece of recording equipment, but this is such an interesting thread I just wanted to add.
Back in the 70's my late brother, who was recording on a pair of Tandberg 3000xs at the time, saw an old Strat ('54 I think) on Lou Macari's guitar shop in Shaftsbury Avenue, London. He played it for a while and loved it the action and tone were perfect - but is was abiout £100 more than he could afford. He went back the next day after he'd managed to get a little more money from friends and family and found it had just been sold to Dave Gilmour. He was very upset about it. Maybe just goes to show you should buy gear you love at the first opportunity.

By the way - the 3000x recordings were fantastic - good enough to cut albums from!
How did yr brother record to 2 decks at the same time?

That's weird that David Gilmore of all people came in and snagged it. I just watched a Tascam 22-2 slip away that only had .99 cents worth of bids on it (plus $70 shipping), that I would have totally bought if I had some extra money. I hate that "turns on and reels spin but have no way of testing it" crap that people love to say on eBay. If yr selling something, why not figure out how it works, spend $20 to do the testing, and then be able to at least be able to know whether or not you can list and either make a nice profit or just get rid of it. I'm not in the position where I can gamble on stuff like that.

Anyways, if anyone is looking for a great deal on a 10 box of Maxell MS-60 cassettes (same as XLII, but supposedly tougher shells, like the TDK SM series) let me know soon cuz I have a line on a great deal.

How did yr brother record to 2 decks at the same time?
Hi Level Anything,

It was probably a bit misleading the way I phrased using the two Tandbergs! He played back from one while recording onto the other using a home-made mixer (this was the 70s!) to build up a stereo track - sort of like sound on sound but in stereo. So he would start off with a (stereo) acoustic guitar part on deck one and play this back into deck 2 with stereo (pre-panned) bass etc etc. You can hear some examples on the "No Savage Word" album using the link I sent.