the next step?

Cody Suit

likes Fast/Heavy music
Ive got a samson drum mic kit which is decent for now, mic cables, a mixer board, a laptop/computer w/ cool edit pro and decent specs. what do you guys think the next thing i should get?

im thinkin a 10in firewire soundcard or should i get some better mics? i think the mics can get a decent sound for drums and if i could manipulate them individually after on cool edit pro to get a better sound. but im sorta new so you experts wanna help me out?
If you wanna dive into the multitrack recording, grab a firepod. The pre amps are respectable and the unit itself is a breeze to operate.
I dont know how your kit sounds as it currently stands, so i am no position to critique it. All i can say is it is always good to expand your sonic palette by getting some different mics and preamps and finding the sound you are looking for.

i think the mics can get a decent sound for drums and if i could manipulate them individually after on cool edit pro to get a better sound.

If they sound bad going in, they will sound bad going out. Multitracking will not fix fundamental problems that are occuring at the source (aka, the mic and its placement).
Make sure the sound quality of the mics is good before moving onto anything else more advanced. Remember: you can record with crappy mics onto the best equipment money can buy, but at the end of the day, garbage in = garbage out.
yeh they sound good enough. i did a kick ass song with them except it takes longer to get the levels and stuff. im just talking about how i could a add a certain frequency boost on say the bass drum and maybe get a different type of sound (more slap or something) out of it cuz theirs only bass/mid/treb on my mixing board. same with the rest of the kit.
Cody Suit said:
yeh they sound good enough. i did a kick ass song with them except it takes longer to get the levels and stuff. im just talking about how i could a add a certain frequency boost on say the bass drum and maybe get a different type of sound (more slap or something) out of it cuz theirs only bass/mid/treb on my mixing board. same with the rest of the kit.
You can manipulate them more in software once you get them recorded. I'd go with using the mixer to get the drums as close as you can to the sound you are looking for, and once they are in your software, use the plugin effects to flavor them.
yeh thats what i wanna do but i cant do multitrack recording. all the drums is on one track and when i do some eq to one thing it changed the whole sound of the kit