The New Tone Thread

Hey JDOD, I remember many pages back talk that a similar thread was started elsewhere. Was that successful? If so where is it? I'd like to come post too, I dug hanging with you guys and listening and chatting.
Sadly, the forum that Greg_L and others that was similar to this thread went to, is now defunct. It was looking like a very productive thread. But the site shut down and has now been hacked.

There is another forum that some have moved to. I looked at it and not a fan. But that is not for me to judge.
yeah that indierecordingdepot is a weird looking site,hovering over an icon on the right hand side to see who created it (yeah,and i do wanna do that on every thread to see if someone i know made it)
i'm still trying to get used to this place hiding threads you read instead of ghosting em out (thats handy when you wanna go back later to link/comment/whatever NOT!)

im a grumpy old fart that likes a familiar forum layout,i aint got time or patience to learn some oddball layout "quirks"
Sadly, the forum that Greg_L and others that was similar to this thread went to, is now defunct. It was looking like a very productive thread. But the site shut down and has now been hacked.

There is another forum that some have moved to. I looked at it and not a fan. But that is not for me to judge.

Yeah, since this thread got so slow I clicked my bookmark to go back there and immediately got a warning page if I wanted to continue to the site. I can't remember if I clicked further or not. Didn't know if it was for some reason just me, or bogus. It's kind of weird they just shut down right as there was more traffic. I think the owner of the site was/had been absent for a while.

Sure would be cool if this thread picked back up. I really enjoyed reading and listening.

Come on back, Greg. Come on back, man.
greg'a not allowed to come back .... the mods here, in a fit of righteousness and enjoying their imagined power, have said his ban is permanent. That's on them, not him.
even a forever ban doesn't mean you cant come back. hey i got a pignose and with my strat and fuzz ive never sounded better. except for last fall when i took my strat and fuzz into candyass music in santa fe to briefly try out a 70's vibro champ and every diaper in the store filled up. jimitones for miles. clean to mean. i asked if it was too loud and the owner said no but after playing 5 min half the store wanted me dead. you dime the amp volume and its dead silent. 9 on the strat sounds clean and very pretty. 10 roars. i guess theyre not used to working players trying out amps? if a quick amp check is not too loud then what could the problem be? the pignose sounds pretty much the same with feedback and everything but the champ has the bigger speaker and more juice.
greg'a not allowed to come back .... the mods here, in a fit of righteousness and enjoying their imagined power, have said his ban is permanent. That's on them, not him.

Well that's curious, because it doesn't seem to mesh with this...

jimmys69 said:
So this thread died with Greg. Sad.

I have to say I miss his input here immensely. Surprised he hasn't come back...
Hey, I'm late to the party. Can we get it up and going again? Here's my contribution:

What is it?

Tele-clone, bridge P/U, tone 100%, vol maybe 70%

-> Alesis NanoCompressor (1/2U rack-mount), used not so much for compression but for about 18dB boost (maybe clipping 1db off the tops of the peaks, very fast)

-> Vox ADVT30 amp using the "Black 2x12" sim, treble/mid/bass all about halfway up their respective ranges, but bass bumped down a bit, mid bumped *up* a bit, and treble bumped up a bit more than the mid; gain was about 70% (nice and gritty all by itself, but not too much), vol 100%, and I used the built-in soak to drop the volume to loud bedroom levels

-> mic'd with an AKG P170 (small-diaphragm condenser) about a foot in front of the grille, pointed straight at the center of the (10") speaker

The amp is good for practice, but in the 3-4 years I've had it, I've gotten a tone I really liked exactly two other times. Two! And then tonight this; I'd never thought to use the make-up gain knob on the compressor just to drive the signal harder into the pre-amp. The amp is not great sounding overall, I think due to it's age and generation of modeling (pretty early), and also to the 10" speaker. But tonight the sound was really "on".

Let me know if I'm just imagining it sounds good, or if I just got lucky, or if it seems like I could make getting decent tones out of it a repeatable process.
It would take a fluff girl with some serious talent to get it up and going again....

Fortunately we have some serious fluffers about!

The Tone Thread and all of its regular posters and input is back up and running in its new home at:

The Recording Rebels - Rebels Main

This forum was started mainly by former inhabitants of The Tone Thread for us to discuss how to best record the sounds we're chasing, learn more about techniques in general to get better mixes... and just have a chat and a laugh.
Does anyone want to get this thread going again?
If so I'll try and start posting some guitar tones and I'll listen and comment on tones any of you guys post.
There may not be anyone interested...just trying to find out if there is.
To be honest, I usually record others guitar tones, so even though I watched the thread and learned much from it, I couldn't really share much.

But that was more because I did not feel that what I do was relevant to the thread in as it was.

I would love to start sharing what I am working with in this thread. If that is OK.
To be honest, I usually record others guitar tones, so even though I watched the thread and learned much from it, I couldn't really share much.

But that was more because I did not feel that what I do was relevant to the thread in as it was.

I would love to start sharing what I am working with in this thread. If that is OK.

It's cool with me. I would like to hear some stuff you're working on. maybe give an example of a raw guitar track and what you do to it to make it sit in a mix.
That would be really cool.
Rough mix here of a project I am working on. Not sure what I am sharing is useful...

Mesa Triple Rectifier used on all rhythm guitars. Don't have to do much to make it sit. More about getting the drummer happy here lol.

It is what it is...

I have many varieties of music styles and players in my studio. I will share more.


  • Guitar Tone.mp3
    820.7 KB · Views: 16
  • Guitar Tone W Drums n shit.mp3
    820.7 KB · Views: 15