The New Tone Thread

Here. Hopefully this works. I was having some trouble with. Old Punk Ska band from the 90's. rerecorded in the last two years or so. Details about the track are in the summary in the link if you wanna know more.

I did the bass tracks and some production. Enjoy.

me likey!

That's awesome man ...... great track and yes, the bass sounds great.
I like this - the playing is great. The bass sounds brilliant. Don't you think the track sounds a bit muffled, though? Lacking in high frequencies a little?

This is a first mix of the track that myself and an absent tone-threader have been working on. It's mostly a headphone mix as I can't get on my monitors at the moment. You can hear the guitar tones in context!

nice ..... greg's a good collab'er too huh?

No sur[rise there ..... that sounds good man .... really does.
Sorry Bubba,
ReaEQ is paramatric rather than graphic is it not? Unless graphic was referring to the visual image presented on screen.
Some one posted that it was graphic & I was asking for clarification but was out of logic/sequence I suppose.
Lt. Bob, Greg's a wonderful collaborator.
JDOD: Sounds good man, but honestly, there's not a lot of difference in the last version you uploaded, I saved 'em both to my pc, & they'e pretty similar...But, it does sound good man...I think you need to work on the mix overall a little, but again, it's pretty good....

Shan: As mentioned, needs a little high-end in the overall mix IMO too, but it's good man!!!

Bubba: This is actually pretty damn close to the original. I'd never heard this song, so I did a quick search, & it's really close man. At first I thought the guitars were kinda buried, but they're like that in the original, so good job on getting the song where it is...I'm impressed!!!
Bubba, that sounds great. The guitars work perfectly with the rest of the band around them. Good strummer impression. I just really enjoyed listening too it, just like I would if I had the original on... Which I have on a lot!

Miner, I know it's not that different, I could spot it pretty easily when I was clicking effects on and off on individual tracks, when listened to as a whole it just sounds better in a fairly unidentifiable way to me
Sorry Bubba,
ReaEQ is paramatric rather than graphic is it not? Unless graphic was referring to the visual image presented on screen.
Some one posted that it was graphic & I was asking for clarification but was out of logic/sequence I suppose.
Lt. Bob, Greg's a wonderful collaborator.

I think we were talking about it having a graphical display, mate. Still, amusing disembodied statement Ray!
Here are some clips from my new-to-me Deluxe Reverb. I used the "Normal" input #1, and adjusted the volume and tone controls for it. The Reverb (on the other channel, but still affects the "normal" channel for some reason) was all the way down. I played my Gibson SG Supreme on the bridge 57 classic pickup, with volume and tone both on 10. For familiarity's sake, I used a SM57. The SM57 went to a Chandler TG2 with the gain at about 10:30 and the output at about noon. From there, the signal went to a Lynx Aurora 16 and into Logic. Here's a picture of the amp, the way it was set up:


here are the clips:

Volume at 3, treble at 6, bass at 5.5:
View attachment 2014-01-24-DR-3-6-5.5.mp3

Volume at 7, treble at 4, bass at 4.5:
View attachment 2014-01-24-DR-7-4-4.5.mp3

View attachment 2014-01-24-DR-dimed.mp3

The volume on these is probably lower for you than what I was hearing (but not necessarily, if you're blasting it on a big system I guess) but it is correct in a relative sense - I digitally raised the gain on all three so that the loudest one almost clips (it might actually clip somewhere, but I don't think so) and the others by the same amount.

I still have work to do - particularly with mic placement, I think - and I think the dime clip has too much treble, while the 7 volume one has too little - probably dimed with the treble on like 7 would be nice.

For the one with the volume on 3, I reflexively played softer, which doesn't help with the comparison, but you can hear that it breaks up anyway on the bar chords a little. Probably with a lower output guitar like a strat it would be cleaner.
Sounds good. Of those three clips, I like the dimed one best. Useful tone, nice feedback tail at the end. I'm surprised by the drive you got on the 3 setting. My Reissue would be pretty clean at that level, even with a humbucker. Maybe because you're using input 1. I tend to roll the bass back a bit more. That open back design can get flabby on the bottom. It's part of that Fender combo sound but can get in the way of the bass guitar.

Are you hearing the full reverb on channel 1? Wonder if somebody modded it.
me likey!

That's awesome man ...... great track and yes, the bass sounds great.

Thanks bob. I wish i was a little more involved with more of the overall project outside of the bass but, didn't seem to pan out that way.

Here are some clips from my new-to-me Deluxe Reverb. .....

I like the Dimed one the best. It's a little piercing on it's own but i can see it having it's place in a guys songs. It just has a nice classic sound to it. That feed back at the end was beautiful. I find a lot of uses for that.

I didn't really pick up on any reverb at all though? If it is there it is subtle.
I didn't really pick up on any reverb at all though? If it is there it is subtle.

The reverb was turned all the way down - so there was none. I mentioned in passing that when the reverb is up - I can hear it in the Normal channel as well as the tremolo channel where it lives. Robus mentioned this could be a mod or maybe a problem. I was thinking the reverb sound was not the same in both channels (indicating a possible problem maybe) but now I'm not even sure of that. As a guitar player, I kind of hate reverb so this is all new to me, even though I've been playing for decades
As a guitar player, I kind of hate reverb so this is all new to me, even though I've been playing for decades
I'm not understanding this.
As a guitar player that has played for decades I find reverb to be an absolute essential ... especially for live work.
The only time I turn it off is for crunch rhythm stuff but otherwise, and especially for clean sounds, I have to have it.
An amp not having 'verb makes it an amp I have no interest in.

Different stroke of course ..... but a git player hating 'verb does not compute for me.

I'm not understanding this.
As a guitar player that has played for decades I find reverb to be an absolute essential ... especially for live work.
The only time I turn it off is for crunch rhythm stuff but otherwise, and especially for clean sounds, I have to have it.
An amp not having 'verb makes it an amp I have no interest in.

Different stroke of course ..... but a git player hating 'verb does not compute for me.


Reverb is actually slowly growing on me the last year. I used to have this juvenile notion that reverb was just a noodlers tool and as such my "punk as fuck" mentality wanted nothing to do with it. But i find as i get older and see how reverb can help the mix of a song in little doses a little bit of reverb has a great place , well, anywhere really.. Some bands i listen to make some pretty cool use of it. A think a smidge of verb on a overdriven rhythm track can just make it pop that little bit, or give it a certain feel that set's it apart from other people trying to do the same thing. I dunno. Like Bob said different strokes. It's all in the application really and what your ears are happy with it.
One thing I like it for, is to smooth out the picking sounds .... sorta like compression does but less intrusive.
I'll often have 'verb on the amp where you don't really hear it .... unless you turn it off.
Hey guys .... beta-testing my new website.

If you feel so inclined .... kinda poke around it and see if anything's not working for you.

I have not started the blog yet so there will be nothing an the blog page.
Also .... I have to write a page about the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame. But everything else should be working..

Louisiana Steve-Home
Hey guys .... beta-testing my new website.

If you feel so inclined .... kinda poke around it and see if anything's not working for you.

I have not started the blog yet so there will be nothing an the blog page.
Also .... I have to write a page about the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame. But everything else should be working..

Louisiana Steve-Home

I'm on it.

As far the reverb goes smoothing is exactly what i like about it. With a little bit of compression and a hair of reverb percussive type sounds that get generated get a little bit smoother. Maybe that is the intended effect but yea my own jornuey into sound has come to like that combo.
Your site seems to be working good on my end bob!!! I like the Calendar thing too. Thats a great idea. Good luck with all that.
Hey guys .... beta-testing my new website.

If you feel so inclined .... kinda poke around it and see if anything's not working for you.

I have not started the blog yet so there will be nothing an the blog page.
Also .... I have to write a page about the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame. But everything else should be working..

Louisiana Steve-Home

The site looks great and everything seems to be working.