The New Tone Thread

Great News Lt. Bob. You'll shine through 'coz that's what you do.
Greg, putting faces to names is always a good thing - even better when they're nice too.
I left for work at 6.40am this morning & am back home at 10am. A call from the missus that downstairs looked likely to flood. "Oh well", I said, "pretend you don't see anything, have a cup of tea and don't go downstairs". Next call and the water was 1/2 way along the downstairs hall and I should come home now please. I had to give my class some work, split them amongst the other classes in the school, thanks to my colleagues for taking them, and on the next bus home. I arrived to find the rain has ease considerably, the flooding has subsided, (drains couldn't cope with the massive volumes of water and leaf litter from all the wind shredded and downed trees but Kim went out in her gumboots and cleared what she could), and the carpet in my recording room ( as in spare room full of guitars and electrical things), soggy from the external wall to the opposite interior wall but no gear wet. The dehumidifier is on in there now and will have to remain on for a few days I think. No biggie, happened before, will happen again but we're better off than a whole lot of others in coastal NSW.
OH, the important news, according to Kim is that YET AGAIN it was the cat, Ling, who's constant and strange meowing alerted her to the water coming in under the back door!
Greg ..... sounds like ya'll had a great time! I always like meeting forum members in person ...... your room of loud stuff ..... :laughings:

rayc ...... that sucks man. If it happens semi-often buy a cheap sump pump.
Thank goodness your gear didn't get wet.
Thanks Greg & Lt Bob.,
Part of the problem is that most NSW houses in the last 30+ years have been built on a slab that's thickness takes it only a couple of cm above the dirt. Add to that the fact that the previous owners build a very shallow dish drain at the back of the house that actually lifts above the damp course and we're in for trouble. I cut a box drain into the dish but with everything above the damp course, which is supposed to be sandwiched between two layers of floor slab, it's always going to be a prob.
The reports are that this working week long low pressure system is a once in a decade event so, global warming aside, I have time for remediation works. Though with a couple of hundred thousand people without electricity and a thousand or more calls for emergency services re trees on house & such it'll be awhile before any sort of tradesman is available for it. Lt. Bob, you know, I sussed out a cheapo sump pump the last time this happened but the plumber assured me it wouldn't occur again given the widening, redirecting and release system he installed - I should have trusted my own counsel.
Greg: Cool man, hope you guys (& gals) had a great time....It'd be really cool to hang out with forum members...

Bob: I'm still really impressed with the gigs that came looking for you man, super cool....

Ray: Damn, that sucks big time....Glad none of your gear got damaged, but it does sound like you're gonna have to do some work to your place man....good luck...
Cool playdate, Greg! Come over to England and I'll take you out for McDonalds.

Is it your guest gig tonight, LT.? How's the prep coming?
Is it your guest gig tonight, LT.? How's the prep coming?
one is tonight .... the other on Sat.
I'm pretty much ready on bass although I'll spend the next couple of hours running thru everything a few more times before I gots to take 93 year old mom-in-law to a doctors appt.

Sax doesn't really require much prep however, lately I've been playing guitar so much my lips have gotten wussyfied and playing too long brings cramps and pain ...... I already know they're gonna want me to play a bunch of sax so I'll have to kinda ration it out since I only had a couple days notice and that's not really time enough to build strength.

Wifey fussed at me "You'd better not let your chops slide on sax again!"


I'll still make them 'ooh' and 'ah' but my endurance might be so-so.
My wife plays sax, and sometimes I'll give it a try, and let me tell you...that shit is hell on your mouth. You might as well put your face in a vice while chewing razorblades.
Never tried to play any instruments like that, my friends in elementary school tried to get me to play in the school band, but I was already into rock music & playing guitar by that time, so I never even considered it...Looking back, I'm sure it would've made me a better musician though, or at least it would've taught me to read music....Still can't read, thank goodness for tab...:).

Talking about tab & all the resources available today, it's fuckin' unreal how much is out there...When I was a kid, "Guitar For the Practicing Musician" was the shizzle for me, & is how I actually learned how to play a lot of stuff...It opened up a lot of stuff I'd never have figured out on my own back then, nowdays all you have to do is search on the 'net, & it's all right there....Kind of a double-edged sword in a way, but I still would've loved to have all the shit we have today back when I was a kid....
My wife plays sax, and sometimes I'll give it a try, and let me tell you...that shit is hell on your mouth. You might as well put your face in a vice while chewing razorblades.
That's about right!

Annn-n-n-nd I got home from mom-in-law duties and there were another 6 tunes in my e-mail with the message: "Did I send these to you? My apologies if I didn't but they're on the songlist".

He hadn't ..... lol ...... :D
Annn-n-n-nd I got home from mom-in-law duties and there were another 6 tunes in my e-mail with the message: "Did I send these to you? My apologies if I didn't but they're on the songlist".

He hadn't ..... lol ...... :D

I don't know how guys like you can just learn so many songs at such short notice. It's always been something that's blown my mind whenever I read about new additions to bands learning the entire catalogue in a few days or a whole set in a few hours to cover for another person.
Mad props.
I don't know how guys like you can just learn so many songs at such short notice. It's always been something that's blown my mind whenever I read about new additions to bands learning the entire catalogue in a few days or a whole set in a few hours to cover for another person.
Mad props.
It's really not that hard if it's a style of music that's in your wheelhouse. I could learn a punk bands entire set in one sitting. I've done it. For someone like Boob, he knows music like a language and he's been doing this since Jesus rode the dinosaurs. :D
Yeah, I've had to learn 30+ tunes for gigs. Drumming and singing, so I had to learn the drums, lyrics and melodies to sing, etc....Like anything else, it comes with practice. I gigged regularly for about 25 years, so after a while I actually enjoyed the challenge of learning songs a day before the gig, etc...
I take it you've never gigged much then, right Schwarz??? It's not uncommon to have to learn quite a bit of material in a short time, & like everyone has said, most of the time it's stuff that's familiar...
That's why the top studio guys are so valued. They can hear a verse, a chorus, and then record the whole thing in one take.
Home .............. what a fun night!! :) :) :)

So much fun to play with good players doing good music.

I'm significantly happy!

Now it's eatin' time!! :D

---------- Update ----------

he's been doing this since Jesus rode the dinosaurs. :D