The new C1 sucks

Why did you even waste your time buying the new one in the first place after you already tried and hated the other two? Out of all the other options out there for better mics, why do you even give SP mics the time of day? Hell, save your money and buy something that is worth a damn!
Yeah, I looked over your post history, Recordingpro.

Why, if you hate SP so much, would you buy a C1?

Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
chessrock said:
Jesus, guys.

He doesn't like the mic. Big whoop. It doesn't mean it's bad. It doesn't mean there's a conspiracy. He didn't insult your Mama. He's just a dude ... who doesn't like a mic.

Holy crap.


I only criticized his past deeds and disagreed. I didn't red chicklet him and I don't think anyone else should have. Like I said, HE'S BEEN BEHAVING HIMSELF! I wasn't egging anyone on to attack the guy!

You guys have taken away something he rightfully EARNED and I don't respect that at all! :mad:

I'm giving him whatever green I've got. Hope it helps get him back up!
boingoman said:
Oh, please. Nobody has really earned any rep here for two years. :p

Well, there is THAT!

But that's only in the high numbers. The low numbers still hurt to lose. Once you're up high enough you can take the occasional ding.
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Rick Shepherd said:
Why did you even waste your time buying the new one in the first place after you already tried and hated the other two? Out of all the other options out there for better mics, why do you even give SP mics the time of day? Hell, save your money and buy something that is worth a damn!
That's a good question and worthy of an answer, I didn't have to buy it. I have a relationship with a music store that will let me take anything and try it since I spend so much money with them. I don't have to worry about alleged "health laws" about mics. Basically I was at the store searching for some gear and the guy says "hey try this new C1 out it's way better than the old one" so I did . I'm not sorry I tried the mic cuz a GOOD cheap mic is nice to have around, you don't feel as bad when they get broken by some gorilla. I don't hate Studio Projects I'm just a bit rabid about something being presented "as good as those German mics" when in reality it's not.

Here's a quote from the SP website:
We think it's quite simple. Our mics are every bit as good or better at a fraction of the cost you would pay for a world class German microphone. No, we are not a German mic, but we sure do sound like those $3,000.00 models.
It's that sort of rubbish I find disturbing. That, and the fact that the uninitiated buy into it so easily. I guess if my monitors were a set of headphones and some computer speakers I'd think the C1 sounds great too.

Out of all the other options out there for better mics, why do you even give SP mics the time of day?
I gae it the time out of curiousity. I guess my mistake was sharing my observations here . but I'll say it again, the shock is a cool idea but the quality of it poor, the metal work of the mic was cheap and cheesy just like the first series ,(even Rode has better metal work) the sound was typical cheap chinese. I'm not against chinese made mics some sound good but this one embodies much of what's not liked about chinese mics. YMMV
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TravisinFlorida said:
you saying i didn't rightfully earn all my 17,000 points? :D

Anyone who can go through what it takes to get all those rep points def deserves them!!! That's a lot of spreading it around. :cool:
recordingpro said:
That's a good question and worthy of an answer, I didn't have to buy it. I have a relationship with a music store that will let me take anything and try it since I spend so much money with them.

Makes sense to me. What did you try it on?
apl said:
Yeah, maybe it's your voice.
:) Yep I broke it with my voice :eek: I actually had an alto range singer in that was kind enough, she happens to be really incredible. it wasn't flattering to say the least, the accoustic guitar was just plain weird sounding. by then I figured why bother and sent it back. Honestly, the metal work alone is enough to see this mic as sub quality.

If you don't believe me, get a hold of one and see for yourself. One thing I wish I had done is take it apart and see what inside. Hindsight you know, I almost wonder if it's the same mic just more money