The nectar of the gods!!!!!


Loud Sun Studios
I think that honey holds that title but a very close second is Grade B Maple Syrup!
From New Hampshire of course.
Maple syrup is the bomb, but as an allergy-sufferer, honey is awesome too because it reduces allergy symptoms (local honey, that is!). Amazing how that works!
Maple syrup is the bomb, but as an allergy-sufferer, honey is awesome too because it reduces allergy symptoms (local honey, that is!). Amazing how that works!

I forgot about that - I need to find me some local honey ASAP
I have allergic sinusitis caused by all the smog here, but I doubt bees can do anything to improve that, good idea for when I go back to Canada though.
nah, we were transients.
we moved up just before the winter of 77-78. i remember my mom said "you're going to like it in the winter, there's more snow!". holy crap was she right.