The most Expensive mic?


New member
What is the most expensive mic you have ever seen?
Just Curious (and very bored at work) :D
And maybe I could sell my house and buy it!
But then my wife would rip my test.....Well we won't go there...:eek:
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Elam251 is the most expensive mic I've ever seen/used. I think they're upwards of about 10-15,000 now...dont quote me on that, but it's silly how much they go for.
Lennon's U87 went for some big bucks...50K?

The most expensive production mic I can remember is the B&K tube mic they made a few years ago that they only made 100 of...what 6-8K or something?

$10- $15 Grand? Wow, that would pay off my car.....
I wonder if they are actually worth it? I guess if I didn't score a major contract or something, I wouldn't think so. ;)


Freakin B-day present! In my future right now, I don't see myself ever getting a b-day present over $8,000 dollars. :(
