The Mole Song - We would love your feedback on our latest original :)


New member
Hi everyone,

This is my newest song, and would I love feedback on what you like and dont like. Say whatever you want. I wont be offended.

Thanks :)

This is the latest version of the song:
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Wow, no replies whatsoever. I'm surprised considering the number of views. Come on people, all you have to do is click the little play button :) thanks if you take a listen
Everything except the vocal sounds like it's missing high end. It all sounds muffled. It's especially noticeable on the guitars and cymbals.

Little tempo issue at :30. Get's a little off again between 2:33 and 2:39. Some other spots too.

I'd turn down one of the doubled vocal tracks 6-8dbs.
Everything except the vocal sounds like it's missing high end.


I thought my ear had gone funny listening to this. Personally, I think the instruments sound miles away from each other, not a 'band' feeling at all. Everything seems/sounds very thin and dry and aren't gelling together.
Thanks for that guys. Strange that it sounds like that. I'm not sure what would have caused that as I didnt EQ down the highs or anything like that. I'll look into it. :)
The kick/bass drum is way too clicky for the overall sound.
yeah, cotton wool seems to be everywhere. I found my most recent recording was "dark' due to using the same mic placeemnt and that building up across a number of tracks.
Try a few old fashioned things too - like putting the bass guitar & bass drum up the middle.
Sounds like this could be good - mid to late 80's Englishness.
the overall melody is nice, you use the guitar nicely but the vocals sounds little bit out of match
hey everyone, I've taken all your amazing feedback and put down a new mix. I hope this one sounds better! Let me know :)

P.S. Hmm, my one concern is with the volume of the piano line in the chorus. If you think it sticks out too much, let me know. I really can't make my mind up.

Hope there's less cotton wool!;)
Hey, thanks for the comment. Yea I agree, when I can I'm going to get the singer back in and we'll add some lines. but I'm at a bit of a roadblock cause I can't add any more tracks in Cubase 6 LE. I was hoping someone would comment on the mix? Is it better this timer round? Or is this song actually really bad, and so people dont want to listen to it? haha I dont mind either way. Just be interested to find out.
I like the latest version a lot better. The cloud over everything has been lifted. Drums are mixed better and sound punchier.

I'm noticing more tempo issues than before. There are several spots where beats are off.

I didn't care of the widening of the lead vocal. I liked the first version of that better. I'd keep the doubled tracks down the center, no stereo delays, and lower one of the doubled tracks 6 dbs or so.