the marshall mg15 mg15r and mg15dfx


New member
I recently saw an ad for the marshall mg15 series amplifiers, the ad stated that it was "idealy suited for direct recording" because of the speaker emulated line out. I bought the marshall mg15dfx because the ad made this series of amps sound perfect for my recording situation. As soon as I got it I plugged my les paul up to it and was suprised at how much I really love the sound of this little amp. With that being said, I then hooked the amp up to my sound card direct via the emulated line out on the marshall. The sound I got was horrible. Way too bassy. I understand that the extreme bassy sound is actually what marshall has called cabinet emulation. Has anyone here had any luck getting a tolerable sound out of these amps by recording direct? If so please tell me how you were able to record a sound you like from it.
I've got an MG10. It does sound pretty good, especially for a $60 amp. The emulated line out is total shit though. I tried to direct record it. No way. Just close mic it and crank it up.