The Maiden Fair


New member
The Maiden Fair...I didnt do the mix for this song...Paulo did mix...the filtered vocals in spots sound a bit harsh however overall the mix is pretty good I think.

Vincent (Writer,composer,guitars,Lyrics)
Tricia (Writer,Vocal Melody,Lyrics,Vocals)
Paulo (keyboard,Mixer)
Jman (drums)
Neal (lyrical tweaks)
J. Gomes (Bass)]
This one is pretty cool. Kind of an slowed down epic metal vibe.

The crashes aren't great. It sounds like they're being hit with a brush or something? They don't really accent anything so much as just add noise.

I like the synth solo. Sweet!
I think the song as a composition is good and it's performed well.
But it simply sounds too harmless for the genre. This should be in the style of bands like Lacuna Coil, Nightwish or Within Temptation. The singer's very good, but she's not being complemented by the overall sound of the band. It all sounds so "nice" and polished and not spectacular enough for it to be considered as heavy. The kick sounds very good, but I didn't like the snare too much. The guitars don't manage to create the steam-rolling wall of sound that this style needs. Arrangement-wise, I didn't like the way it ended, very unspectacular, no fireworks. This could be a very good tune if recorded properly. My 2cents...........

Joey :)
The mix is rough. The drums sound mega compressed and plasticy. Pretty terrible really. Let them breathe. The guitars are thin and generic. The vocals are also thin. I know it's a chick, but I'm looking for an Ann Wilson type full female voice in this song. This broad can't really sing this genre.....or she just wasn't captured worth a shit. She has no power. The synths and bass sounds okay.

The song is ridiculously repetitive, boring, and seems way longer than it's 4 minute length. That's not a good thing. :o
I know I'm a novice but I kind of like this. I thought the vocal sound was excellent, great voice. very retro The drums did seem over compressed and the guitar sounds were a bit dull and need brightening up. Crashes were almost inaudible

The synth solo was great too. The whole overall mix seem to lack in dynamics