The Keystation 61es

Jae Little

New member
Is it a real good controll because I'm thinking about getting it. I was looking at the Pro 88 but it's too big and I can't fit that ish on my desk. I want my keys infront of me. But anyway, is the 61es any good? That's all I really need to know because I'm working with a lot of racks and the may be either the Ion or Micron. But yeah, can y'all answer that for me? Thanks!
I know nothing about that controller. I've seen it but never used it and don't know anyone that has it. Only knowledge I know is people saying it's good but I need to know from someone that has used that joint. But I'll probably still go with the Keystation 61es.
I have a 61es. The only thing I can't really use it for is piano (which I use a Yamaha for, which isnt a MIDI controller) because I require more keys to accomodate my playing style. The keys are not as smooth as hammer action, but that may just be a matter of personal preference. For the price it is a fine MIDI controller, but I would highly recommend trying one out before commiting to it, as with anything else. At worst you may have to order one, try it and then pay to ship it back if you don't like it. At best you may be able to find one at a local Guitar Center, or other music store and try it there.

I did have trouble initially with it when I hooked it up to the USB ports that are integrated into my MB. At first it seemed like a power supply issue, but after lots of research I found that it can be a common issue with certain motherboards (even for people with powerful power supplies) and that a separate USB PCI card, or a powered hub is the remedy, so I purchased a hub and haven't had a problem since. So, if you do get the 61es, you may have to run it through a powered hub, or a USB PCI card to get your OS to recognize it.
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Dang, now that's crazy. I was thinking the 61es was going to be the easiest one to use. I was also looking at the Radium61, now I heard it was a good controller. Better than the 61es, people just don't get it because of the extra knobs which you can do things like that in the software. But I hate turning up the volume with the mouse. So, I'm also going to look into that controller. I guess I can look into the CME controller also. I'm just really looking for a 61 key controller, a real good one.

If you're wondering what I'll be controlling with it, well: Fantom XR, Triton Rack, Micron, ES Rack, and Software. That's why I'm trying to really find a good one. I was going to get a set of keys and also use it has a controller but I couldn't find a good one that actually made me jump. I checked out the Juno-D and I wasn't feeling it to much. I like the Le better than it, but why get the Le if I'll have the Triton rack which it better than the Le. Can't get the Motif because I'll have the rack and same with the Fantom X.

If y'all can, can you please list some nice controller that I can look into?
Jae Little said:
Dang, now that's crazy. I was thinking the 61es was going to be the easiest one to use. I was also looking at the Radium61, now I heard it was a good controller. Better than the 61es, people just don't get it because of the extra knobs which you can do things like that in the software. But I hate turning up the volume with the mouse. So, I'm also going to look into that controller. I guess I can look into the CME controller also. I'm just really looking for a 61 key controller, a real good one.

If you're wondering what I'll be controlling with it, well: Fantom XR, Triton Rack, Micron, ES Rack, and Software. That's why I'm trying to really find a good one. I was going to get a set of keys and also use it has a controller but I couldn't find a good one that actually made me jump. I checked out the Juno-D and I wasn't feeling it to much. I like the Le better than it, but why get the Le if I'll have the Triton rack which it better than the Le. Can't get the Motif because I'll have the rack and same with the Fantom X.

If y'all can, can you please list some nice controller that I can look into?

I think if I had to choose a 61 key one again that I would go for the Radium in the M-Audio line. I got mine because my other keyboard lacks a mod wheel and I needed one for some things. I have never used any other functions aside from the mod wheel and the octave buttons, but mostly the other functions are controlled by the keys, which I think makes it more complicated. If I were using it as a controller I would definitely get something with knobs and sliders like the Radium, which you would probably prefer over the 61es and the price is still better than many others.
True, I won't have a set of keys either. Just all racks, so it would be a good idea to get the Radium. I guess that's the end of this thread unless someone thinks otherwise. Because the keystation really doesn't have other functions but the octave buttons and mod wheel. The Radium has basically everything I need since I don't have a set of keys.
Jae Little said:
True, I won't have a set of keys either. Just all racks, so it would be a good idea to get the Radium. I guess that's the end of this thread unless someone thinks otherwise. Because the keystation really doesn't have other functions but the octave buttons and mod wheel. The Radium has basically everything I need since I don't have a set of keys.

The 61es has other functions, but they are controlled with the keys itself, which I find too odd to even contemplate. The Radium should be a good choice.
Jae Little said:
If y'all can, can you please list some nice controller that I can look into?
I did that in my first resonse. You replied you needed to hear from 'someone who's used that joint'.

Heh heh heh.
I don't know anyone with the CME controller. I know people that have the Radium and Keystation and I've played with both of them. I was just going to look into that CME, see if it's a good controller, if it's hard to use and things like that.