The Juno-60?!?

Jae Little

New member
I know it's a classic synth but I want one. Where can I buy one at? I want this synth for so many reasons now where can I get it...
they are fun, and getting harder to find... try harmony-central / ebay / craigslist / the appropriate forums on this board. They come and go... oh. and sonicstate classifieds.
You should also look at the Juno-106. True it's got DCOs rather than VCOs, so some will complain that it sounds a bit colder than the 60, although I'd say there really isn't that much of a sonic difference between the two The 106 is also MIDI capable and somewhat easier to find.
A while ago I sold my Juno 60 and picked up a Juno 106, specifically for the MIDI capabilities (as limited as they may be). I agree a 106 may be a little easier to fnd.

As far as sound generating ability, I've always felt the 60 and 106 are the same thing - although I agree some people have suggested the 60 is "fatter", I have not found a significant difference at all.

I learned my analog sound building chops on a 60 and I would recommend a 60 (or 106) to anyone who wants real time fader controls (no multiple screens to scroll thru - tweak a knob and change the sound).
I'll try looking for the Juno-106 tonight because I was going to contact Guitar Center and see if they can order it for me. But what I want to know is isn't the Juno-D somewhat similar to the rest of the Juno series?
The Guitar Center won't be able to order a Juno-106. Like the Juno-60 it's been discontinued for a long time. Your best bet would be eBay. As for the Juno-D, it has nothing to do with the previous Juno lines, other than the name. It's pretty much a glorified digital GM player. Personally I wouldn't waste time on that and I think it does the Juno name a great injustice.
Wow, dang I was thinking GC could try to find it because they always ordering things for me. Honestly, I don't trust ebay so I guess I won't be getting that Juno-106. I'll just do like I was going to do and get the Fantom XR and V-Synth XT.
I just found out a friend is getting out of music and he has two (2) Juno 60s that I think he is looking to get rid of.

If you are still looking post a reply. I don't know what shape they are in, what amount he wants for them, or what he's willing to do anout shipping, etc.

If you are interested, I could perhaps arrange for you and he to communicate via private messages or something.
noisewreck said:
You should also look at the Juno-106. True it's got DCOs rather than VCOs, so some will complain that it sounds a bit colder than the 60, although I'd say there really isn't that much of a sonic difference between the two The 106 is also MIDI capable and somewhat easier to find.

The 60 is a DCO based synth, as well as all Juno's

I assume the difference in sound is mainly due to the different filters they use.

If I'm not wrong, the 60s has Jupiter 8 filters, while the 106 and Jupiter 6 have the same (still different than the 60/JP8) filters.

I like the 60 sound much better than the 106. Great arpeggiator.
The 60 is also built WAY better than the 106 which uses a combo filter/VCA IC which are of bullshit quality and go bad (if your looking at a 106 MAKE SURE that all the voices fire, a bad chip will show itself by dropping a voice every 6th note)

The 106 also has fairly audible stepping on the controls since they are digitally controlled (which may or may not be good for you). I got a DCB to midi convertor for my 60 and would never consider replacing it with a 106. besides, everyone knows that wood sides make a synth sound better :D
The Triton Rack?

I was thinking about getting this rack. The sounds are good and I can save money by getting it and not the Triton Studio. But there's a problem...

People are saying I shouldn't get it because I can only use 2 expansion slots at a time.

Now, is that actually a big problem?

I was thinking it wasn't and wants to get it anyway. I just need to know first, is that using of the 2 expansion slots bad...
noisewreck said:
You should also look at the Juno-106. True it's got DCOs rather than VCOs, so some will complain that it sounds a bit colder than the 60, although I'd say there really isn't that much of a sonic difference between the two The 106 is also MIDI capable and somewhat easier to find.

Actually *ALL* the Juno's have DCO's.

The main reason for the difference in sound between the 60 and 106 is that the Juno 60 uses identical chips as the Jupiter 8 for the filter, whereas the 106 uses a cheaper, harsher sounding chip.

Also the 106 leaves off envelope PWM--an important ingredient to many strong Juno 6/60 sounds.

Don't get me wrong, the Juno 106 is a great synth too.
And both are legacy synths - nobody is making the chips for them anymore. Synthrestore says they manufacture them, but Roland USA won't confirm they are the correct pinout.