Well, my entire musical journey started back in 2006 in a little town in the middle of the Mississippi delta- Greenville.
As I've mentioned here before, I was and still am a huge pro wrestling fan (my username is actually my old backyard wrestling character

I started watching back in 2002 when I was 9. I obviously was into the storylines, and the "matches", but the thing I loved the most was the entrance music. I know it sounds cheesy

, but it's true.
Wrestling is where my exposure to music came from. Motorhead, Metallica, Saliva, The Offspring, and many others that I'm a little embarrassed to talk about

. lol.
But yeah, wrestling was it for me. Me and my school friends would work out storylines, and study wrestling tapes to learn how to wrestle, and put on matches on the playground.
Eventually around 2004 we moved it to doing a few shows a month in our backyards where some neighborhood people and other friends would come watch. (It's crazy for me to think that we were 10/11 years old writing storylines and learning about the "art" of wrestling now that I'm 18 and 10 year olds just seem like babies when I see em now!

The summer of 2006 we were going from the 7th grade to the 8th and everyone I knew cared more about football, and drinking (again...13 year olds drinking

) than wrestling in the backyard, so I just sort of kept to myself playing video games and... watching wrestling

One day in May of 2006 I tuned in to VH1's 40 greatest metal songs countdown... not for the metal... or the countdown... but because Chris Jericho was a panelist. But my life took a complete shift when I heard song #19. Alice in Chain- Man in the Box.
Long story a little less longer:
It convinced me to buy a guitar.
Then in 2008 I joined my first band. It was the first band for any of us. We were having tons of fun and recorded some jams on a handheld voicenote recorder (my first experience with mic placement

). We eventually just loaded some up to myspace just so we members in the band would be able to hear them w/o having to borrow the voicenote recorder.
Idk if some of the other guys told their friends or what, but friends ended up finding out. Then more and more and more. The song listens were up to the thousands within a week or two of uploading. Eventually I logged in to MySpace one day with a message from a respected management company in the southeast asking if we would be interested in a couple of festival/showcase type things in Memphis. One in the New Daisy Theater and one in the (at that point in 2009) soon to be opened Minglewood Hall.
I was completely shocked and overwhelmed. Things were coming together with no ambition or anticipation on our part. We barely had 5 songs written all with terrible record quality.
Then all of the sudden the drummer and singer start having problems due to drummer being less than chivalrous with singers sister whom drummer was dating. Long story less long:I get a phone call one day that drummer's drums are taken completely apart (almost to the point of vandalism), cops are called, people hate each other, etc. and I'm like

It came out of nowhere. So as quick as I thought things were happening they stopped and I was left absolutely heartbroken. Within 5 months I met these people, formed a band, started friendships (that are still going strong today), wrote my first songs, and people actually wanted to hear them, and people actually wanted my band to play shows (for a 15 year old that was "it"). Also within the same 5 months, my grandfather died after being bedridden with Alzheimers, diabetes, and an amputated leg for months- and my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. My family was split in half with one half at hospitals with either of my grandparents and the other half taking care of the family businesses.
It was an extremely confusing time. I dare say the worst in my life.
I tried to resurrect that band a few times to no avail.
Then one day I started to understand how much music means to me. It's gone beyond being something I
want to do to being something I
need to do to be happy. I learned to play drums, started singing, and became the typical homerecordist.
That spiked my infatuation with engineering and the mixing process. I love learning about acoustics and gear. I've converted my room into a "studio".
I've learned though that I'm still at the beginning stages of all of it though really- musician and engineer.
I'm working and saving all that I can this year to build a space within the next year or so. The main driving factor is obviously a space for me to work on my stuff, but to at least be able to offer my services and share my love of all things music with others would be just as fulfilling. Whether it's drums, or my studio itself, or mixing or whatever.
I know it's overkill wanting to be a guitarist, and drummer, and mix, and record other people, and blah blah blah. But I genuinely do love it all and want to become the best I can at all of it.
I also wouldn't change anything I've went through to get here. I'm glad that things went the way they did with the first band or I probably never wouldve went beyond being a guitarist and learned about the love that I have for the entire field.