The image of Saudi Arabia in the world


New member
The notion of image refers to the perceptions that people from various countries have about the world around them with all its constitutes. This image is a natural outcome of direct and indirect individual experiences which they acquire through different communicative interactions. In its international dimensions, this image becomes particularly important given its influence on the prevailing public opinion in terms of the various elements related to it. Starting from the fundamental relation between the stereotype and the shaping of public opinion, many countries have involved their institutions in investigating the image held about them around the world. The recent international events have made it all the more important to study the conceptual image held by the countries around the world about the Kingdom, the factors contributing to its development and the approached necessary for its improvement.
This is what has prompted the Saudi Association for Media and Communication (SAMC) to devote Second Annual Communication Forum to investigating the conceptual image of the kingdom around the around the world. (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2-5 October. 2004)


  • deep_3.webp
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I think that the Saudi's Are more our enemy then any of the country's that we (U.S.) have invaded. I have not personaly supported any of the current US military actions but if we had initially had decided to go after saudi arabia, I WOULD have supported that. Our "good" relationship with the Saudis is like having a "good" relationship with your heroin dealer if you are a junkie. The Saudi Government is a savage dictatorship that has helped satisfy US Oil addiction since the 1940's. It was Saudi Nationals flying into the world trade center. It was Saudi Arabia who ignored Bin Laden for years and would still allow him at thier elite social events. Lets get off the Oil tit and watch these oil pushers sweat. No human rights. Monarchal dictatorship. Public Beheadings. Saudis are the "REAL" Terrorists. To hell with Saudi Arabia we should have invaded them as opposed to Afghanistan or Iraq. Improve that image with some clever marketing campaign Fuckhead.
I heard some bullshit radio advertisment a few weeks ago. I was like, "What the fuck is this shit?!"

My co-worker was like, "Its a public serverice announcement to make them look good."


I am still voting Bush, but this bs has to stop.

Fuck off you stupid spamtastic troll.

You don't just sign up at our forum to promote your bullshit. This is your ONE post?!

Give me my towel back, I feel like I need to go take a shower.

(oh, and I can't wait til we bomb the shit out of your God forsaken country.)

And one more thing. Why do I get the feeling this is just an alter-ego of someone posting here to piss people off?
yeap....probably is....or it could be a "Causehead". no matter...lets get back to recording and argue over which mic is best for what instead of world politics...but i would like to say one thing.....kudos to the club owner here in town who had the real belly dancers from india.... had me thinking if it was really hot in there or was it just the curry.
what can i say, i was bored...and there's not exactly a lot of threads in this forum...

I read through all that jibber jabber bibble babble mumbo jumbo crap and there was nothing interesting at all really...i was pissed off to the point of posting you might say....

well, not quite...i was just really curious what the hell this is doing under live events...
I also was wondering. I check by here once in a while, and just love all the "live events" information. I always get screwed too. I read all the thread, just thinking that there's a concert date, or sumpin related. :rolleyes:

moderator, moderator............. :cool: