The Factory - warning all synths, no guitars


Clown car chauffeur
I Have been messing around with all the cool Synth sounds in Mixcraft 4.5
This tune is all synths, no guitars or drums at all.

If you want a mental vision as you listen, picture this.
The tune is about an industrial Factory.
It starts with the whistle blowing, all the machines fire up and start making a bunch of weird noises, as machines do.

This tune may kill small computer speakers. It has a big sub bass element going on.
I highly recommend listening with headphones and a sub woofer.

This is mix #1

You can play it here without downloading it

or download it here
Blimey there sure is a lot of bass!! My ears hurt...

This sounds like a soundtrack to a dystopian film. I liked the cello sounds halfway in - makes for a nice relief from the bass sounds...

For me, this would be best listened to over a film to add to the ominous atmosphere. I liked it though.

Yeah, It's more of a film soundscape type thing.

Not really something you sit down and listen to over and over. :D

Thanks for the listen, appreciate it.
I'd say it sounds more like a horror movie soundtrack than a dystopian one. Too much like Goblin and not enough like NIN for that.

Interesting, when the cello kicks in it actually sounds a lot like it could be from a Final Fantasy game.

Pretty cool.
I was thinking Brazil/12 Monkeys/Clockwork Orange dystopian landscapes :D reminds me of the Clockwork soundtrack actually...

I got no idea where this sort of stuff comes from, I dredge it up and spit it out. :D