The enemy I see....Is me!


New member
Hey everyone,

I havn't posted anything here in a long time, we've been busy recording. For those that havn't seen my previous songs, I'm in a 5 piece rock band with a female front (wo)man following in the tracks of evanesance, etc... We are a highschool band and we record in my basement on budget equipment, but I think we fare pretty well for ourselves. Anyways, this is a new track that is pretty much done. I'd love all and any positive and negative feedback you have to throw at me

It's hosted there at lightning mp3.

I will gladly list all the equipment we used if someone would like me too.

Thanks again!
Listening as I type ... Cool cymbals on the beginning....Drums have a good snare, and cymbals. Might do with a bit more bass drum; bass guitar not coming out much either - but that could be a limitation on my PC Speakers. Good mix otherwise, especially liked vocals. Good guitar sound. Lead vocals/harmonies are very strong and well sung throughout. Good song/cool ending. I liked this one!!
Very nice job. Drums (specifically toms) are a little weak sounding. Very low tuned snares have never been my favorite, would be interesting to hear it with something with a little more crack. Guitar was a bit loud for my taste in one section with the vocal still going. I agree that the bass was also a little low, specifically when guitar is chopping the cords. It sounds like the bass is doing something there but I could not hear it. Drums fills were a little forced sounding. Many of these things are pure taste issues, overall an excellent job with the recording...good tune, also.
Sounds good overall. To me it seems like the cymbals should be brought down a bit, they kind of dominate the mix. But that's a totally uneducated opinion, so don't take me too seriously.
I generally cringe when I see "highschool band" (I remember my own <shudder>), but you guys are pretty good. Hand on to that singer, she's pretty good and good female vocalists are tough to find in my experience.
Where did you find this girl, she's great!
So is the song, if your still in high school, your way ahead of the game.

You can always learn recording and mixing techniques, but good musicianship and writing will get you alot farther.

the drums need a little better mixing and the bass is way to far back, but all in all a very good song.

Like everyone else said, lead vocals and harmony are great!
prestomation said:
Hey everyone,

I havn't posted anything here in a long time, we've been busy recording. For those that havn't seen my previous songs, I'm in a 5 piece rock band with a female front (wo)man following in the tracks of evanesance, etc... We are a highschool band and we record in my basement on budget equipment, but I think we fare pretty well for ourselves. Anyways, this is a new track that is pretty much done. I'd love all and any positive and negative feedback you have to throw at me

It's hosted there at lightning mp3.

I will gladly list all the equipment we used if someone would like me too.

Thanks again!

Hey Prestomation,

I listened a few times on my pc speakers and I liked what I heard, very Evanesance, but still the originality was kept.

The backing vocals mixed with the lead vocals are sounding sweet, the guitars were very subtle yet forever present, the bass I struggled to hear too much but that could be attributed to my listening devices!

The only negative is the weak boxy flat sounding toms in comparison to the ever so brilliant and pristinely captured cymbals, which as mentioned earlier are a little dominating!

Well done I enjoyed my listening and thanx for sharing with us all!

Gorty :)
Hey guys, thanks for your comments! The bass guitar is pretty much scratch and needs to redone, as in there are mistakes, so I think that made me unconciously mix it lower then it should be.

My drum micing is very minimal. It's a Tama 5-piece i record in an unfinished basement. I have a pair of AKG c430 i use as overheads, a AT4040 on snare, and a SPB1 on kick. That was the entire drum setup. I need to start doing some tom micing :)
This is really good! :)

The singer is great indeed, and the only downside i heard in your mix is the others drum sounds wich are not as good in presence as the cymbals

Really great work, more impressive to the fact you guys just starts on this. It means you guys are very talented :)

Good luck
the only thing i notice at first, is that the vocal needs a small boost, esp when guitars are loud, i wouldn't do anything at the instrumental part tho. darn good.