rob aylestone
In the office, I have a live feed from the theatre auditorium, and something this morning made me get up and go down to discover the Yamaha desk had been powered up with an error message - data errors. The desk powered up with everything empty. Loading the backup show file restored some things but the two stageboxes, one on stage for mics and one in the pit for their mics and in ear systems were showing odd patches, weird EQ and a totally unworking system. Our Sound A1 then started repatching, estimating gains, setting routing and everything. We made show time with 5 mins delay to letting people in, and went up on time. It's been traced to a £3 battery inside and worse - it can only be replaced powered down, so we will have to do everything again tomorrow. He's taken photos of every screen so he can replicate the setup - what a pain!