The Delta1010's wordclock input


New member
I know there have been issues with this, but I am unaware if these troubles have been resolved, or if M-Audio has come up with a fix or such. Perhaps someone could clue me in before my studio partner and I spend $500 on a lucid clock. :)
I have just gone through this upgrade myself. I have 2 Delta 1010s that are clocked to a Lucid gen6x (not the 96k one).

At first I had massive problems with the clock not locking in a stable fashion. Noise migrating from the clock signal into the audio, and a few other issues.

My Delta units were older and had to have a upgrade type fix (performed free by M-Audio) and a reload of the drivers, but all is well now.

If you decide to go with the clock, and run into any issues that I can be of help with, feel free to send me an email.

Thank you so much Tom. I'm actually the fellow that e-mailed you regarding this same subject a few days ago.
I'm curious about something, the repair that m-audio did, was that on the breakout box, or the PCI carr?
Thank you very very much. :)
You may have to fit a 75ohm terminator on the cable at the 1010 end.
Is there anything in the 1010 manual as to whether it needs a terminator fitting or has one built in?
The mod was on the breakout box.

Jim y,
I tried the termination block thing myself, it did not help. M-Audio confirmed one was not needed.

I hope you get good results with your system.
Yell for help if you dont.
