The dbx150x units arrived-and I've got lots of questions

Gary C.

New member
What I've done before is record through a pre,straight to the Otari 8-track,then convert that to ADAT Lightpipe and work on it in the computer.
Don't wanna do that any more-I'd like to have a totally analog product.

It seems to me that I'd be happier using physical devices to record and massage the signal before it hits tape,then mix it down from there.Messing with software just isn't my thing.Probably because I'm old. :)

Anyway,I'd appreciate some advice from the knowledgeable folks about "working smart" with what I have,and using the most sensible signal chain,etc.

My music is mostly blues,'70's guitar rock,and the occasional jazz tune.Guitar,bass,drums,vocals.

Given this gear,what would be the best way to hook it all up,and work with it in the analog realm?

Focusrite ISA 428 preamp
dbx150x noise reduction
Mackie 1604 VLZ Pro mixer
Otari MX5050 8-track open reel 1/2"
Otari 2-track open reel 1/4"

That's the only pre I have-planning on getting more,but hasn't happened yet.
LA610's,1176's and LA2A's also look like things I'd like to have.
I have very little experience with the mixer,as I've been recording straight to tape,taking my 8 tracks through the ISA 428,changing to Lightpipe,and hitting a computer.
I'm used to using 4 mics on a Ludwig drumset,with one bass track,one vocal track,and 2 guitar tracks.I'm willing to try anything that's smarter,though.
I've wondered if maybe I should be taking the 4 drum tracks through the mixer,and hitting the tape with only 2 tracks.Seems like that would be a good thing,if each track was how you wanted it before the merge.

When all I had was a Roland BR-8 and 2 mics,I got a LOT more accomplished :rolleyes: ,now I seem to be bogged-down with gear issues.One of my most annoying issues is having to re-cable for various things I've tried.With gear in a rack and most connections on the back,that irks me.I know I need some patch bays-no experience with any of that,though.

So-any advice about the best signal-chain and working smarter,and any other gear acquisition suggestions that would be good for what I want to record would be appreciated.