"the curse of latency"


New member
It's problem. I hope the people who have had experience getting out of it can help me out. Are there any other solutions than getting more RAM? I have already changed the Buffer rate in my DAW (Reaper) through every number possible, but to no avail.
Unless you're running really short on RAM, more of it won't really help with latency.

It mainly boils down to your soundcard/interface and (to a certain extent) your CPU.

A high-quality soundcard intended for recording that is capable of low-latency operation is unavoidable, and then the lower buffers required for low-latency operation also increase load on the CPU, hence why a decent CPU is required.

What soundcard do you have?

The link that Kingofpain posted isn't actually true ASIO... ASIO isn't just something that you can install... its a driver model and you need to use the specific ASIO drivers made for your soundcard (if it doesn't have any, that is a sign that you need a new soundcard) for the best performance.

ASIO4All is designed to allow cheap soundcards to be used as if they had ASIO drivers, but this really can't substitute a proper soundcard with proper drivers. It can (to some extent) lower latency because it cuts out some of the high-latency Windows audio systems, but again its only a 'temporary botch fix' at the very best.

Also, many recording soundcards/interfaces have hardware built into them to provide "zero-latency" input monitoring, as opposed to monitoring through software which will always introduce some level of latency (noticable or not).
If you have powered monitors you can try turning up the volume of the monitors and lowering the monitor/playback volume in your software. This wont eliminate all latency but it can help especially if you are using a stock soundcard like Soundblaster or Realteck. Stock soundcards just don't have enough "guts" to handle too much going in and out at the same time. I discovered this while using Audacity on XP with a Soundblaster card, I'm not sure but it might help with Reaper too, it's worth a try.
I'm not sure what soundcard I have, it's the standard from my computer, hp pavilion ze4145...

I downloaded and installed the ASIO, but I'm not sure how to run it, the instructions wont open for me.

Thaks for all the replies.

Sure, I'll use my psycokynetic powers to alter the waves of time and electricity to make all the electrons move at twice the rate they currently moving, I cannot believe I have not thought of that yet!
I'm not sure what soundcard I have, it's the standard from my computer, hp pavilion ze4145...

Well, there's your problem right there!

I downloaded and installed the ASIO, but I'm not sure how to run it, the instructions wont open for me.

As I said, you didn't download ASIO... you downloaded ASIO4All... don't be fooled into thinking ASIO4All is even in the same league as having a decent soundcard and proper ASIO drivers for that soundcard.

ASIO4All will only 'run' when you select and use the ASIO4All driver in your DAW.
Well, there's your problem right there!

As I said, you didn't download ASIO... you downloaded ASIO4All... don't be fooled into thinking ASIO4All is even in the same league as having a decent soundcard and proper ASIO drivers for that soundcard.

ASIO4All will only 'run' when you select and use the ASIO4All driver in your DAW.

Gotta say, not everyone wants to run out and buy a 100$ interface ASAP. ASIO4all is good enough. Maybe if the OP wants to move forward in his/her art he/she could go out and buy all the fancy gear but for now the integrated sound card will be fine.
Still using a built-in soundcard?? Unfortunately, those are made with less than $1 worth of chips for beeps, boops and light gaming (not to mention cheapness for the manufacturer) and NOT quality music production. Even with a clever hack like ASIO4ALL, you're fighting 40cents worth of cheap gaming audio chips.

#1 Rule of Recording: You MUST replace the built-in soundcard.

Here's a good guide and tested suggestions that WORK: http://www.tweakheadz.com/soundcards_for_the_home_studio.htm
(you'll want to bookmark and read through all of Tweak's Guide while you're there...)
well I know folks dont have much cash laying around...but I have a GX $20 and a toneport $60, that are good enough for 80%* of the folks on here...you've just got to look...keep your local C'list minimised whilst browsing and keep your eyes open

when I say 80 I mean 60**

**when i say 60 I mean 40***

***und so weiter
Friend, do yourself a favour, take some of the advice here and get a decent soundcard. The soundcard on my laptop that is solely dedicated for music, is so poor, the mice rejected it ! The scrapyard wouldn't take it ! The moment I installed even a semi decent one {the Echo indio}, the difference wasn't even night and day. It was pinhead and universe. And no latency.
Eh? But that's a reasonably good interface. Before it was as if you were saying you were using the stock soundcard of your computer :confused:

I'm sure the UX2 should be ok for low-latency performance. It should have its own ASIO drivers, and I'm pretty sure it also has zero-latency hardware input monitoring.
i figured that it was a good one, but I still have really bad latency. I think it's cause I have 495mb of RAM.. I was just wondering about different solutions to the problem.
Big Repeat: Latency has NOTHING to do with RAM. It is the delay caused by the drivers and hardware in your soundcard (I started off with a P2/450mhz dwith 350Mb of ram and a DECENT Echo Mia asio soundcard, could to 30+ tracks and had NO LATENCY PROBLEM.)

See my post above and get a real soundcard/interface.....