The Coming Storm

My lastest piece, inspired by the recent global climate march and the thought, "What if we're already too late?" This is my first piece using Ableton Live.

How do you guys get your SoundCloud MP3s to embed in your posts?

[.Soundcloud][/.soundcloud] I think, without the .

I'll have a listen in a bit

It seems to be bit biased towards the left side? Like the whole mix just seems off to the left by about 10%
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Sounded OK. Not sure what it had to do with global warming though.

I didn't get the feeling that the whole mix leaned to the left. But there was a "snare-ish" sample on the left that caused the mix to lean that way.
Fixed that for ya.

Just copy the URL to soudcloud link on your post. Click the 'Go Advanced' tab. Highlight the link and click on the Soundcloud logo there.


Now I feel the need to dance!!! :eek:
Sounded OK. Not sure what it had to do with global warming though.

I didn't get the feeling that the whole mix leaned to the left. But there was a "snare-ish" sample on the left that caused the mix to lean that way.

Y that's it. It makes the low end seem off center.
Thanks for the feedback, everyone, and the advice about the Soundcloud link. I don't (yet) have a decent audio interface; still using the bulit-in one on the PC's motherboard together with a pair of not-very-good speakers and Sony MOR-V150 headphones. I first mixed it using the speakers then adjusted it using the headphones. It doesn't help that due to cramped space the speakers are half behind the monitor, though it might have been better if I'd used my Bose AE2's instead of the Sonys.

I'll make sure I take all of your advice into account in future. Hopefully, it won't be long before I get that Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 I've got my eye on and a pair of JBL's to go with it.

Sounded OK. Not sure what it had to do with global warming though.

It was the backing track for a short video I made about the global climate march last weekend.