The "CHALLENGE" thread.

Bloody hell, Greg - Phil Taylor wishes he could drum that tight! Rest of the instruments are spot on, too. Great job! :D

What did you reckon to madmush's effort?
Ha thanks.
I'd missed madmush's song at first, but went back and found it, and it's pretty cool. Almost faithful with a few little tweaks that don't hurt the song. I liked it overall, but "White Man" is IMO one of those beautifully perfect songs that shouldn't be fucked with. I love The Clash from top to bottom and that song is possibly my all-time favorite of theirs. It's just perfect to me. So I wish he'd have played it a little better, but it was certainly a cool and respectful take on it.

This does say CHALLENGE thread. I figured the challenge would be keeping your lunch down long enough to learn it...But I'd still love to hear the song Motorhead style. Maybe I'll have to pick up my own gauntlet.
Ha yeah, keeping my lunch down would be the challenge with that song. I just hate that low rent cheese metal kind of music. I didn't like it when is was relevant, and don't like it now. I don't need or want to challenge myself in that way. It doesn't inspire or interest me to "branch out" into that stuff....even as a joke. Yes, you should do it yourself, that would be cool, or maybe you can find a different taker.
Oi Greg, I think "Ace of Spades" is a perfect song that shouldn't be fucked around wif ;) how dared you....

I really enjoyed listening to your version and may have to attempt it myself now. Did I hear somebody say you play drums on that?

But I'm with BrokenH: So here's challenging Greg_L to do a reverse Bubba Po, and play a Bob Marley tune Motorhead style!
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I didn't fuck around with the Motorhead song though....I played it pretty straight. Boring and straight. Yeah I drummed it, did everything. I don't like the guitars much. But it's old so it's okay.

Speaking of Marley, I did one of his even a longer time ago. It's not Motorhead style, but it certainly aint ray-gay either. I think this was from like 2008 maybe.
Have your guitars ALWAYS sounded so amazing? (I need a jealous emoticon)...Ah, well. I just may get there one day.
Have your guitars ALWAYS sounded so amazing? (I need a jealous emoticon)...Ah, well. I just may get there one day.

Lol, no definitely not, but thanks anyway. I appreciate that. You know why people have trouble with guitar tones? This is just my opinion, but I think it's because they use shit guitars and amps and/or they try to cheat the process with a bunch of fake shit and DAW magic processing. It's really that simple. It blows my mind to read the stupid hoops people jump through for guitar tracks, and it's even worse for drum tracks. I use good guitars, I play kind of okay sometimes, and I use big giant blaring stacks of Marshall heads and cabs. Yes, they're expensive and very very loud and take up a lot of space. They also sound good with little effort. But I do get it that most people can't crank giant amps all day and night. So it's like a trade off. If you can, spend some money, buy some good shit, crank it loud, but then save money and time later by not having to fumblefuck your way through your guitar tracks. Tone is in the hands and fingers and all that shit, but having good sounding shit helps a lot too.
No Woman No Cry is my fav Marley song. Rastaman Vibrations is my fav Marley LP.
The cover Greg did is cool - the song is a little faster & angrier, (which is the emotion behind the Marley song - anger at the situation behind the situation).
It's pretty similar to the Clash's rework of Jnr Murvin's Police & Thieves except MORE Clash.
Any Bob pre Kaya is good Bob.
Guitar tone wise - I'm learning...valve/tube amp cranked, decent speakers and experiment with mic placement until set.
I need some inspiration, guys.

Goo Goo Dolls' Caught in the Storm as a country song? or maybe Sound Garden's My Wave? (what can you do to grunge?) Did you listen to Houses of the Holy? making it a 50s rock swing beat could be fun...

Try something.
Slightly off topic, but since we have three major Clash fans here (of whom I am the biggest), how about a collab on a Clash cover or two? Greg, Bubba?
Well as you've heard, I can do decent Mick Jones style vocals... Last Gang and Complete Control, two good choices me thinks!
And to think The Clash spent three months in Baker Street Studios, spending a fortune with Sandy Pearlman :D Their road manager John Broad remarked that they spent a LOT of time on the drum sound. Including attaching a matchbox to the snare skin, moving it around. I suppose there was an ever so subtle frequency that needed taming. Or, he was working his own legend, throwing people off the scent.

You really are extremely close to the original sound with this recording, Greg. Fascinating to hear. How close can you get??
And to think The Clash spent three months in Baker Street Studios, spending a fortune with Sandy Pearlman :D Their road manager John Broad remarked that they spent a LOT of time on the drum sound. Including attaching a matchbox to the snare skin, moving it around. I suppose there was an ever so subtle frequency that needed taming. Or, he was working his own legend, throwing people off the scent.

You really are extremely close to the original sound with this recording, Greg. Fascinating to hear. How close can you get??

I draw the line at trying to sing like a limey. I certainly can't go there.