the best mp3 site


long standing member
Can someone recomment a good web site for uploading mp3's, is slow as molassas

Wait a second..

which is more wrong here ..

a guy with 600+ posts not knowing about Nowhere radio, or a newbie trying to 'override' a recommendation for nowhere with a recommendation for soundclick. :D
Track Rat said:
I don't do Soundclick. They want a body cavity search before you can download a tune.


I even prefer to Soundclick. And please don't take that as an endorsement of
I hate it when somebody puts up a soundclick hardly ever works and when it does...slooooow. Nowhereradio has been pretty slow too though, but at least you can usually get the file if the person hasn't disabled the download link. MP3.COM performs the best typically, but their upload policies are horrible.

I think it's about time for most people to consider forking out the dough for a real web host. It's not that expensive!

Slackmaster 2000
I have tried and tried and tried to register on but it looks like it ain't gonna happen. They say they are sending the verification code to my email and if im not getting it it must be my ISP. My ISP did a test email and said nothing is wrong there and that they do not block I dunno, its a stalemate.

i guess I will just try to work with
I have tried and tried and tried to register on but it looks like it ain't gonna happen. They say they are sending the verification code to my email and if im not getting it it must be my ISP. My ISP did a test email and said nothing is wrong there and that they do not block I dunno, its a stalemate.

i guess I will just try to work with

the reason i don't know about nowhere radio is because i have never posted anything songs on a web page and haven't really paid much attention to what was going on in that department.

with the exception of
i cant enter the artists area because i can't get an access code thru my sucks man

the simplest shit (like registering on a free website) always gives me trouble

i must have registered a while back....but that email account with hotmail has expired so it wont help me now
Khompewtur said:
Wait a second..

which is more wrong here ..

a guy with 600+ posts not knowing about Nowhere radio, or a newbie trying to 'override' a recommendation for nowhere with a recommendation for soundclick. :D

i just tried to log on to and a message came up that said "your account has been terminated for violating the terms of use"

how in the hell can you violate the terms of use when they haven't even let me enter the site and use the sumbitch?

im set up on now anyway
screw that site man--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Originally posted by Khompewtur
Wait a second..

which is more wrong here ..

a guy with 600+ posts not knowing about Nowhere radio, or a newbie trying to 'override' a recommendation for nowhere with a recommendation for soundclick.


i've been practicing, writing songs, learning how to record good tracks on my d1600, and building a fuckin' recording studio for the last year or so....

so I don't know much about "nowhereradio"

Hey dude, it's disabled because it found a duplicate account (as I mentioned in the e-mails it would do when maintenance was run).

Your original account username (which is already verified, and does NOT need to be reverified) is jimistone

Give that a shot bro.

jimistone said:
i've been practicing, writing songs, learning how to record good tracks on my d1600, and building a fuckin' recording studio for the last year or so....

so I don't know much about "nowhereradio"


Awww man. He was just having fun. Obviously your 600+ posts weren't made in the MP3 clinic. :) Else you would have noticed the heavy use of Nowhere Radio 'round here. No big deal brotha.
Yeah man, sorry i was just bustin chops..

Hey just of note, you have to have a pay e-mail account to use Nowhere. So like I don't think like hotmail or yahoo addresses will be of help in creating an account.

Use a pay email address that may solve some problems.
Nothing to do with pay vs. free bud. Just that Hotmail and Yahoo reject a ton of mail, and I got sick of people complaining that they didn't get their verification codes, or notified of changes, etc.

"Hey dude, it's disabled because it found a duplicate account (as I mentioned in the e-mails it would do when maintenance was run).

Your original account username (which is already verified, and does NOT need to be reverified) is jimistone

Give that a shot bro."

thanks waldo, im gonna give it a shot.

lightning hit my computer and fried it several months ago. My hotmail account lapsed (which verified everything i had registered for)

so, im having to start from scratch on a new computer now.

you've kept in touch with me and i appreciate that....sorry about the "screw this site" comment...I was just frustrated.