The best low-pass filter?


New member
I need a low-pass filter I want to use on the whole mix, but it has to accurate. Possibly a DX or VST -plugin. Any ideas? So that I can adjust the frequency exactly to the point where I want the frequencies cut, like in this pic :


Thanks! :)
You might try the Waves Q4 or their wideband LinEQ from the mastering series.

BTW, didn't you already post this question before??
Actually I think he had it right. Maybe you're thinking of a high shelf.

Low pass allows the "lows to pass" through and filters out the highs.
dachay2tnr said:
Actually I think he had it right. Maybe you're thinking of a high shelf.

Low pass allows the "lows to pass" through and filters out the highs.

ahh, I looked at the pics again. Why would you want to cut off your highs? If you are just trying to get a low fi sound run it through a graphic EQ and cut the high bands.
.........or check out a Beh Intelligate which has excellent hi-lo pass filters suitable for frequency shelving,boost or cut!
Thanks for the replies. Actually, I didn't ask this before, I asked what I needed to do cause I couldn't get the result with EQ, and I got the answer from Blue Bear that I needed a low-pass filter to get a sharp shelf which seems obvious now (doh!:D). But the thing is, I haven't found a good enough low-pass filter yet.

Perhaps I'll take a look at the Waves one... although I know they're so expensive.. :rolleyes:
I've tried a couple from

The best one for the job so far is the 10-band EQ paragraphic from Waves though..

I guess I'll try and keep looking. Oh, and thanks for the link. I'll check it out aswell.