The Balance of Power (psudosience)


New member
I am how one might say a bit of an odd ball (grose understatment) MAD SCIENTIST FREAK when it comes to songwriting i never was one to keep it sinple always going for the road less taveld making songs out of beating car parts with sledgehammers and using broken drum machines and stomp boxes to lay a rythmic foundation for the guitar work usually i start with a concept ie: i want a fast song for the moshpit that has a sitar pluged into a marshal stack. then i go about it or i decide i want to convey an imotion and then go about it THE PROBLEM IS is that along the way i fear that in all the experemetation and i begin to lose sight of the origional idea which is MAKE A GOOD SONG that someone wants to listen to so the question is were does the balance of power lay in between concept and actual songcraft?

sory for the long winded background
Just an immediate thought after reading your quandry.

Why not get the "Good Song' down using more conventional means and once you've that core, fill it out or transcribe it into the realm of the wierd. You didn't lose the song but, it wasn't done till you were done experimenting and infuseing it with the desired maddness.

Like I said, just a quick thought.

Hi man...Interesting post. Don't worry bout losing the song...
What you are creating IS the song. Theron makes a good point about getting the idea together before you start with the treatment, but don't let that limit your creative impulses.
You may be the only guy on this BBS who is doing something that is not derived from the past. Not to put down my fellow writers, but it seems like we are all locked into something we've all heard before, me included. Get as crazy as you want,guy!! Let us know when you post an mp3 somewhere so we can get a taste of where you're headed.
writeon and on and on...
THANKS! i apreciate the encouragment.

HOPEFULLY ill have something to show by the end of Auguet (fingers crossed and praying) Since my studio is currently being rebuilt after a travisty at the hands of angry roomates
