The 25 Cent Tour...


New member
I've just registered here after buying Home Studio 2004. I've been recording and performing professionally since the early 70's and have been actively recording and producing music in my home studio for the last 3 years using n-Track.

Would someone here be kind enough to give me an informed opinion on what I'm going to like about HS 2004? Any comparisons with n-Track would be appreciated. How is the MIDI functionality? How does HS perform with a wrapper for VST plug-ins? Any big pitfalls I should be aware of? I'm running XP Home with an AP 2496 soundcard.

Thanks, y'all

Tio Ed
welcome Ed,

Seeing as you are a longtime avid audiophilie, i would have thought you would get the full-blown package from cakewalk: sonar, insted of home studio. Nonetheless, home studio is a solid program. I don't have too much experience with it but i do use sonar and they are somewhat similar. I find the MIDI functions to be great in sonar/home studio. Although i have only compared them to cubase, i like them more. The VST wrapper works fine insonar so it hsould work fine in home studio as well. There is an update for version 4 that you may want to download. to do so check out the cakewalk web page.
Welcome, Ed... :)

Well, no doubt, Sonar/HS have the best MIDI engine. Cakey's still the best for over ten years! The only VST problem I had, has been solved by installing the patch. I don't know much about N-Track, so I couldn't compare 'em.

Thanks, compadres, I appreciate the responses.

Amazon was blowing copies of HS2004 out the door for $60 so it seemed like a good low-risk way to check out the Cakewalk food group. I assume that if I like it I can get a bargain price to upgrade to Sonar. I haven't received it in the mail from Amazon yet but am looking forward to making music with it.

I've recently started recording an audio drama project that is my first in-depth foray away from traditional band/song recording. The increased use of SFX, Acid looping for soundtrack bed music and MIDI for various puposes seems like it might play to the strengths of a package like Home Studio. I'm also interested in the possibility of scoring for AVI files that is mentioned on the Cakewalk web site.

Any other input/feedback on HS 2004 would be much appreciated.

Best regards from Austin,

Tio Ed
I think you will be happy with the cakewalk program after you put a little time time into learning it's functions. I would much prefer to do midi though a computer than though hardware (to be honest i have never done it the other way but i took an acienct music class in university last year :D , and on ththat note.... daisy chaining?). Anywyas, just remember not to freak out if HS doesn't fully meet your demanding needs as it is the stripped down verions of sonar. for 80 bucks that is a great price to see if you like the digital domain of recording though. I took a gamble a sprung for sonar 3, i am lucky that i liked it. it was a wise decision to test out the entry level software before you commited. let us know what you think of it.
HS2 vs HS2004?

Now comes the question, which of these programs to start my MIDI adventures? There was never any question in my mind until this new development. Is HS2 worth the extra bucks?