Thanx To John !


New member
Its' first time publically but I would like to share a great and most memorable venture of my life, i am doing social work in India and for that we are making a audio studio for awarenss and teaching learning material. Earlier when i fst joined this room i havent' knew anyone and felt so alone and that made my so upset. While i was posting here i got lots' of response and lots' of generous people here helped me out and suggest me in one voice to CONTACT JOHN to decide my studio design, ROCHEY is one who told me fst that John is the one who wrote SAE ref material. Then i started approching John and suddenly he hold my hand and start me guiding, although he is really bizi person but still he always allow me to disturb him by my stupid and unlogical querries. The final and most happening part of our story was the acceptance of John to Design my studio without any fees, he has done a great charity not with me alone but with the entire world which is reffering his studio design manual. I salute this loving and caring person and never gonna forget his favor towards us.

