

New member
Thanks to all that made it clear that the majority of you are talentless fat old f*cks wiith no inspiration, humour, wit, graciousness or creativity fact is i have better things to do then talk shop with you dinosaurs. Im fresh, talented and a better musician thanyou basket-cases will ever know. So stop jerking each other off and maybe have some balls to try it another way or atleast investigate for yourselves instead of argeeing for the sake of it hoping you'lll get a bj next time you're at ur nxt wankfest.And no, im not a engineer - i never have claimed to be but it's painfully obvious the mistakes that get made during the mastering process and YOU are the ones that keep promoting the application techniques. Most of you seriously should up your prozac or something it was really quite entertaining for me to see how cut you all got when i questioned your whole exsistance -which is afterall ALL YOU HAVE. Thanks for the amusement :D
And thank you for being a bonehead from some planet - it's certainly not Earth - where the problem with mastering technique has anything whatsoever to do with EQ. Your insistance otherwise just screams your total 100% ignorance of any facts whatsoever on the subject. That whole misguided idea even got Autist laughing! :)

Then as an encore you played the role of someone who advocates the theft of software, doesn't understand the difference between ripping and burning CDs, and actually believes that finalizers and enhancers can not only do the job of an EQ, but can do it better. Then you take those absolutely idiotic credentials and claim to have a leg to stand on when you criticize guys with degrees in physics or electronics (or both) who have been engineering longer than you have been alive for not knowing how to do their jobs right.

You may be a fine musician. I have no idea. You could be the next Wynton Marsellis for all I know. But you don't understand the even the first, most basic concepts about audio engineering theory or technique.

And if you don't that's fine. That's no crime. 99.9% of the people on this planet don't know that stuff. But don't come out in public and claim otherise. Not only are you making a complete fool of yourself, but you are seriously misleading other rookies down a road of utter failure when you say idiotic things like widen the room model to enhance vocal clarity in a mixdown to be mastered. Ideas like that are just plain wrong nine ways to Sunday, no matter what you may think otherwise.

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fraserhutch said:
So why *did* you come here after all?

Because he couldn't get back in here under Christian, Mystery Records or any of the others tied into those.
sosob said:
Thanks to all that made it clear that the majority of you are talentless fat old f*cks wiith no inspiration, humour, wit, graciousness or creativity fact is i have better things to do then talk shop with you dinosaurs. Im fresh, talented and a better musician thanyou basket-cases will ever know. So stop jerking each other off and maybe have some balls to try it another way or atleast investigate for yourselves instead of argeeing for the sake of it hoping you'lll get a bj next time you're at ur nxt wankfest.And no, im not a engineer - i never have claimed to be but it's painfully obvious the mistakes that get made during the mastering process and YOU are the ones that keep promoting the application techniques. Most of you seriously should up your prozac or something it was really quite entertaining for me to see how cut you all got when i questioned your whole exsistance -which is afterall ALL YOU HAVE. Thanks for the amusement :D


the first part of this is sort of funny. and I have heard some really bad mastering on the ME's own websites no less. but I think I might know who u are.


you still haven't gotten over this one??

anywayz I have better things to do than talk shop with these dinosaurs too. but where else can I find other people who actually understand the stuff that runs through my head all day? not at work..not in my personal life...not until I found this site did I really have a way to relate to anybody about this stuff. I do have to argue this point specifically though:

" YOU are the ones that keep promoting the application techniques"

I'm not so sure of that. these guys are always promoting sending stuff out for mastering. it is the last refuge of the pro studio. we can track at home now but they still try to convince us that we can't master. they don't teach us how to do it, even here. I would ask you to start, but you would just go on about reverb plugins or somecrap. Mastering is not about plugins man. they're just a tool. instead of bitching, why dont you start picking these guys for the info that they have. then you can apply it or not. but don't tell them that they're wrong. just do it your own way.
sosob said:
Thanks to all that made it clear that the majority of you are talentless fat old f*cks wiith no inspiration, humour, wit, graciousness or creativity fact is i have better things to do then talk shop with you dinosaurs. Im fresh, talented and a better musician thanyou basket-cases will ever know. So stop jerking each other off and maybe have some balls to try it another way or atleast investigate for yourselves instead of argeeing for the sake of it hoping you'lll get a bj next time you're at ur nxt wankfest.And no, im not a engineer - i never have claimed to be but it's painfully obvious the mistakes that get made during the mastering process and YOU are the ones that keep promoting the application techniques. Most of you seriously should up your prozac or something it was really quite entertaining for me to see how cut you all got when i questioned your whole exsistance -which is afterall ALL YOU HAVE. Thanks for the amusement :D

Gee, I thought I had issues... :confused: